Current best practices

AuthorLorenzo Cachón
1. Public support plans for Roma (racial or ethnic origin in all fields)
The National Roma Council is a participatory and advisory body on ge neral and specific
public policy affecting the integral development of the Roma population in Spain. Its
overriding purpose is to promote participation and cooperation by Roma associations in the
development of general policy and the promotion of equal opportunities and treatment for
the Roma population. Of the 40 members forming the council, half are from central
Government and the other half are representatives of Roma associations. The council has
been running since 2006, and has reported on various Government projects, such as the
Roma Operative Plan 2018-2020’.
The Roma operative plan fo r 2018-2020 (and other plans since 2013) have put in place a
programme of action for social development and for the improvement of the quality of life
of Spanish Roma. The objectives are: to improve the quality of life of the Roma population
and implement the principle of equal opportunities in their access to systems of social
protection; to encourage Rom a participation in public and community life; to promote
better coexistence among different social and cultural groups; to strengthen Roma
associations; and to combat discrimination and racism towards the Roma (see sections
7(a) and 8.1 of this report).
2. Sign languages and speech aid systems
Law 27/2007 Recognising Sign Languages and Speech Aid Systems recognises Spanish
Sign Language as the language of those deaf persons in Spain who freely decide to use it,
along with the learning, knowledge and use t hereof. It also provides and guarantees
support for communication by deaf, hearing-impaired and deaf-blind persons. This law,
apparently the first of its kind in Europe, responds to a long-standing demand from Spanish
associations representing deaf, hearing-impaired and deaf-blind persons. Its aim is to
facilitate access to information and communication by dea f persons, considering their
heterogeneity and their specific needs (see section 5(a) above).
3. National Disability Council (for disability in all fields)
The National Disability Council was established by the General Law on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities and their Social Inclusion (RLD 1/2013). The council h as 15 members
representing various bodies within national Government, 15 members repres enting
associations of persons with disabilities of various kinds and four expert advisors. Its
functions include the i ssuing of reports, of a mandatory, non -binding nature, on draft
regulations affecting equal opportunities, non -discrimination and universal accessibility.
The council has played an important role in the formulation o f the Span ish legislation on
disability (see section 7(a) above).
4. The Comprehensive Law on the rights of g ay and lesbian persons (in some regions)
(sexual orientation)
Five regions in Spain have very similar integral laws on th e rights of gay and lesbian
persons: Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, the Valencian Community and Navarre.
For example, the Catalan Law 11/2014 for Guaranteeing the Rights of Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex People and Eradicating Homophobia, Biphobia and
Transphobia establishes the conditions under which their rights are real and effective; it
facilitates their participation in ‘all areas of social life’ (the law establishes specific
intervention measures in relation to education,148 culture, free time and sport, media,
148 For example, in the field of education, it has been ruled that, in relation to the content of school materials,
school sports activities, children and young people’s free time, training resources and training for mothers
and fathers, emotional and sexual diversity should be taken into account, any type of discrimination should

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