Current best practices

AuthorLøvdal, Lene
The scope of the anti-discrimination legislation: most discriminat ion grounds cover all
areas. Until 31 December 2017, age was only covered in employment, but as of 1
January 2018, age is also covered outside employment, under the GEADA.
The active equality efforts of the GEADA give a duty for public authorities, employers and
educational institutions to make active, targeted and systematic efforts to promote
equality within the different grounds.333 Of particular interest is the department for
equality and ant i-discrimination at the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs,
which works actively and systematically to gather knowledge and promote equality,
especially within the ministries and other parts of the public sector.
There are rules on employers’ disclosure duty regarding pay, to try to minimise pay gaps
because of ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation.
During appointment processes, including during interviews, the empl oyer may not collect
information about an applicant’s p regnancy and plans to have or adopt children, religion
or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
The collection of information on ethnicity, religion, belief, disability and living
arrangements is nevertheless permitted if the information is of decisive significance fo r
the performance of work or the pursuit of the occupation. The employer may ask about
the need for rea sonable accommodation during the recruitment process.334 The collection
of information on an appl icant’s living arrangements, religion or beliefs is permitted if the
purpose of the undertaking is to promote particular beliefs or religious views and the
worker’s p osition will be important for the achievement of the purpose. If such
information will be requested, this must be stated in the announcement of the p osition.
Jobseekers who consider that they might have been discriminated against in appointment
processes have a right to request that the employer disclose written information about
the education, experience and other clearly m easurable qualifications of the appointed
333 After the cut-off date of this report, from 1 January 2020, the duties of employers and the public
administration’s duties proactively against discrimination were strengthened significantly. See GEADA,
Article 24.
334 The preparatory works to the GEADA, Prop 81 L (2016-2017) Chapter

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