Czech Republic

AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Czech Republic
Sum ma ry
(I ) Com pen satio n for accid ents at w ork an d occup atio nal disease has been adjust ed.
(I I) The average m ont hly salar y f or the fir st t o third
quarters of 201 8 ( calcu lation
basis for variou s ben efit s) h as been anno unced.
(I II) Wag es of stat e au thorit ies, j udges an d Eur opean Parliament r ep resen t at ives
have decr eased.
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1 Nation al Le gislat ion
1.1 An nual va lor isation of co mpensation for a ccidents at w or k a nd
occupa tio nal disease
Governm en t Regulat ion No. 321 / 2018 Coll., on the Adjust m ent of Com p ensat ion
Prov ided for the Loss of Ear nings after t he End of a Period of Tem porary Incapacit y f or
Wor k Caused by a Work Accident an d/ or Occupat ional Disease and on t he Adj ustm ent
of Com pen satio n of Survi vors Pur suant t o Labou r Law Regulat ions h as been pub lished .
The r egulat ion is av ailab le on the w ebpage of t he Czech Gove rnm ent .
It r egulat es the calcu lati on of the follow ing typ es of com pensation :
‘com pensat ion for loss of ear nings after t h e end of a period of t emporary
in capac ity f or wor k cause d b y a w ork acc iden t and / or by an occu pat ion al d isea se;
‘compen sati on o f beneficiaries’ ( prov ided to el igible benefi ciari es of em ployees) .
The am ount of compensation is calculat ed based on t he am ou nt of the employee’s
av erag e ea rni ngs. For th e p urp oses of the calc ulat ion , t he ra te of v alo risa tio n of av era ge
earnings is adjusted at the end of each y ear the amount of av erage earning s is now
to be incre ased b y 3.4 per cent .
The regulat ion w as published on 2 0 December 2018 an d comes in t o effect on 01
January 2019.
The regulat ion sets out a valorisat ion p olicy of employees’ and their b eneficiar ies’
com pensation with t he aim of coun t er ing the n egat iv e effects of inflat ion on
com pensat ion clai ms.
1.2 Am ou nt of a verage m ont hly sala ry for th e 1 st t o 3 rd q uar te rs o f
Announcement No. 311/ 201 8 Coll. of the Ministry of Labour and Social Aff airs of
12 Decem ber 201 8 an noun cing t he ave rage salar y i n t he nat ional econ omy for the fir st
to thir d qu arters o f 20 18 fo r t he pur poses of t he Act on Emp loym ent is availa ble o n t he
webp age o f t he Czech Gover nment.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Af fair s regularly p ublishes the n at ional econom y’s
average salary for the respect ive quarters for the purposes of Act No. 435/ 2004 Coll.
on em plo yment. The nat iona l econom y’s av erage salary for the fir st t o third q uart ers of
2018 was CZK 31 22 5 (in 2 017, it w as CZK 28 761 ).Th e average salary for the f irst t o
th ird qu art ers d eter min es t he calcu lation of
th e m axim um amount of u nemploy ment benefit s;

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