A discourse on the JDP's internal policy in Turkey (1997-2016)

AuthorArmela Pengili
PositionUniversity of Tirana
Vol. 6 No.1
May, 2020
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
A discourse on the JDP’s internal policy in Turkey (1997-2016)
PhD (C.) Armela Pengili
University of Tirana
In November 2019, Turkey celebrated the ninety-sixth anniversary of the establishment of the
state as a Republic. Of course, to talk about a state like Turkey is a very big responsibility, as
you have to have a lot of information, to write about a state like Turkey with a great and o en
glorious history you must have browsed a lot not only for this state, its neighbors but also
for states that have an important role to play in making global policies. In this paper, I will
try to provide an understanding of the situation in Turkey, in order to understand Turkey's
position in the international arena, and of course we must understand how domestic policies
unfold, as well as the external challenges that seem to be evolving for Turkey. In 2023, the
Republic of Turkey commemorates its 100th anniversary and the a ention leads to the internal
development, taking into account the possible interaction of domestic politics with external
and transnational challenges.
Keywords: Turkey, geopolitics, policies, republic.
In November 2019, Turkey celebrated the ninety-sixth anniversary of the establishment
of the state as a Republic. Of course, to talk about a state like Turkey is a very big
responsibility, as you have to have a lot of information, to write about a state like
Turkey with a great and o en glorious history you must have browsed a lot not only
for this state, its neighbors but also for states that have an important role to play in
making global policies.
In 1997, the army with a coalition government called the Welfare Party took power.
A successor government faced a major nancial crisis in 1999-2000 that severely
damaged middle-class Turks. Parties that have been in power have always been seen
as ine ective and have o en been considered corrupt. In this atmosphere, a group of
young rebels, who had begun their political life, formed the Justice and Development
Party (JDP). The JDP won a majority of votes and formed the rst government with
only one party in many years.
In the 2002 elections, Turkish voters brought down politicians who were responsible
for their economic situation and elected new ones. They demanded that Turkey become
part of Europe and later of the European Union. A Western and modern process begins
in the early eighteenth century in the O oman Empire with the Tanzimat reforms1.
This was demanded with the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923 and with
the reforms of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk when Turkey launched a systematic and deep
modernization project2. Ataturk made his e orts to achieve a modern, secular, and
1 Joel Beinin, Stanford University, California; 2001. f. 44-70; for more see: http://psi427.cankaya.edu.tr/
uploads/ les/Beinin%2C%20Ott%20Reform%20and%20European%20Imperialism.pdf
2 Feroz Ahmad, Kemal Ataturk and the Making of Modern Turkey, Tirana, 2010, f.135.

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