Discussion and Extensions

AuthorFrancesca Torti - Marco Riani - Anthony C. Atkinson - Domenico Perrotta - Aldo Corbellini
ProfessionEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) - University of Parma, Italy - London School of Economics, UK - European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) - University of Parma, Italy
call monitoring_S_MM_LTS_LMS("lib.books", "q" , "v", "S");
call monitoring_S_MM_LTS_LMS("lib.books", "q" , "v", "lts");
call monitoring_S_MM_LTS_LMS("lib.books", "q" , "v", "lms");
Figure 16: Books data; S,LTS and LMS estimators: monitoring the scaled residuals as the breakdown point
varies. At the foot of each panel, the code used to generate the plot.
clear lower linear relationship is f‌itted, initially to observations near the origin with a low variance. As bdp
decreases fewer observations are trimmed or downweighted and those with higher variance further from the
origin inf‌luence the f‌it, increasing the estimate of σ2and decreasing the values of the residuals. That most
of the residuals are positive until a bdp around 8% is caused by the (basically) two clouds of observations
that lie above the line that is being robustly f‌itted.
13. Discussion and Extensions
The main purpose of the SAS programming described in this paper is to provide a library of routines for very
robust regression and to embed these in a monitoring framework. As a result adaptive values of trimming
parameters or bdp can be found which, for a particular dataset, yield the most ef‌f‌icient robust parameter
estimates. We also provide a series of innovative plots to aid interpretation of the data and also of the f‌itted
models and their robustness. In doing so, we have introduced two new monitoring possibilities, for LTS and

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