Member countries and organisations of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) have decided to set up an expert group to draw up and implement a river basin management plan for the Danube Delta based on the approaches and methodologies outlined in the European Union's Water Framework Directive. Meeting in Odessa, Ukraine, on 27-28 February, experts representing Moldova, Romania and Ukraine as well as international governmental and non-governmental organisations (1) sought to agree a shared vision of development of the region on which decisions concerning individual projects might be based.

Delegates worked in four simultaneous workshops focusing on the ecological state of the Danube, mechanisms and conditions for cooperation, a shared vision for the conservation and sustainable development of the Danube Delta and how to achieve this vision.

Implementing the Framework Directive

Conference delegates agreed toasupport the establishment of an expert group under the leadership of the ICPDR to prepare and implement a river basin management plan for the Danube Delta sub-basin based upon the approach and methodologies of the EU's water framework directive, to work in coordination with existing mechanisms to reduce upstream pollution from other Danubian countries and to ensure public access to information on water management and appropriate public participation mechanisms. The group will also work to develop a common mechanism for monitoring water quality, availability, distribution, and the impact of human activities thereon.

Delegates also decided toaelaborate and implement a single methodology for assessing the environmental...

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