
AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Sum ma ry
Trade unions and em ploy er s have agr eed on a n ew month ly minim um w ag e for the
tr ansp ort se ctor .
__ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ ___
1 Nation al Le gislat ion
Not hing to repor t.
2 Cou rt Rulings
Not hing to repor t.
3 I m plica tio ns o f CJEU Rulings and ECH R
Not hing to repor t.
4 Ot her r ele vant inform ation
4.1 Ne w mini mum w age for t ranspor t sect or
The Est on ian Transport and Road Work ers Trade Union and th e Union of Est onian
Aut om obil e Ent erp rises hav e pu blish ed a dr aft coll ecti ve a gree men t, th e aim of wh ich is
to incr ease the mon thly min imu m w age in t he t ran sport sect or.
This agr eement m ainly concerns lorry dr ivers. Accord in g t o t he d raft, the m ont h ly
m inim um w age star tin g f rom May 20 19 wil l be EUR 95 0. In 20 20, th e m ini mum m on thl y
wage will be increased by EUR 5 0, and by EUR 10 0 per m ont h in 2 021.
The incr ease in the mo nt hly mi nim um wag e f or t he tr anspo rt sect or is n ecessar y, as t he
valid m ont h ly minim um w age did not t ake t he changes in t he econ om y into account.
The curr en tly app licable m on t hly m inimum wage is EUR 620, wh er eas t h e monthly
minim um wage in the Czech Republic will g enerally be EUR 54 0 st art ing f rom
01 Janu ar y 2019.
A p ress release from the Un ion of Est onian Autom obile Enterpr ises is a vailabl e her e.
A p ress release from the Est onian Trade Union Confed erat ion is av ailab le here.

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