The Financial Irregularities Panel will play two different roles: it will first and foremost act as a reception centre for information that staff provide about a failure by the delegated authorising officer to act to investigate possible irregularities and it will also issue advisory opinions about referrals to the Appointing Authority when a specialist opinion on financial matters is called for. The idea of setting up this authority was in fact featured in the new Financial Regulation. The Commission's approach is primarily intended to spell out its relationship with OLAF (the European Anti-Fraud Office), IDOC (the Investigation and Disciplinary Office) and its composition and operating procedures.


Within the Commission, OLAF is tasked with carrying out administrative investigations for combating fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the EU's financial interests. It also has to look for cases of serious misconduct bound up with professional activities when this behaviour is likely to give rise to disciplinary proceedings or penalties. IDOC enjoys general disciplinary powers, which are complementary in the light of OLAF's investigatory powers.


The Financial Irregularities Panel will not carry out investigations, its main job will be to provide the Appointing Authority with expert opinions about potential financial irregularities. It will assess the facts collected by IDOC and/or OLAF so the Appointing Authority can take...

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