The Praesidium has decided to add a paragraph on the ESEA in article 192 of Part III concerning the EU Foreign Minister. This initiative should meet with the approval of a number of Convention members, notably Joschka Fisher (German Government) and Louis Michel, who tabled an amendment to this end. The Praesidium has also agreed on the adoption of a Declaration affirming the principle, the composition and procedure for the implementation of such a service, with decision-making procedures to be settled at a later date. According to this declaration, the European Service for External Action, under the authority of the EU Foreign Minister, will comprise representatives of the European Commission, the Council General Secretariat and national diplomatic services. It should be operational a year after the entry into service of the Constitutional Treaty.

Services of general interest.

Regarding services of general interest, Praesidium members have decided to include a legal basis in article 3 of Part III granting the EU scope to legislate in this area; this move is supported by many influential Convention members, including MEPs Anne Van Lancker and Olivier Duhamel, Ben Fayot (national parliament, Luxembourg) and Robert Badinter (national parliament, France).

Public health.

Praesidium members also agreed on the extension of the scope of Article 174 (Co-ordination actions, additional and support measures for public health) of Part III to combating major cross border diseases. The reference to major diseases with a "European dimension" was demanded by several Convention members, including Dominique de Villepin (Government, France), MEP Andrew Duff and Commissioners Michel Barnier and Antonio Vittorino.


Finally, the Praesidium believes the role of the Eurogroup merits further clarification: whereas Article 85 b of Part III previously provided scope for the...

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