* Will the controversy over EU farm subsidies for candidate countries accelerate or torpedo CAP reform?

Venue: La Maison de l'Europe at the Bibliotheque Solvay, Brussels, Date: October 14, Information: tel: +32 2 737 91 45, fax: +32 2 738 75 97, email:, website:

* Debate on the Future of Europe: a convention, a constitution, a consensus, organised by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

This Colloquium offers a privileged forum in which to discuss first hand with members of the Praesidium and other leading actors how the European Convention operates and where it may be leading. It will also look at the Convention and the issues it is addressing in the broader perspective of increasing democratic legitimacy in Europe and good governance more generally, in order to make an innovative contribution to this vital debate on the future of Europe. Venue: Maastricht (NL), Date: Monday, October 14-15. Information: Ms Acaceli Barragan, Programme Organiser, EIPA, tel: +31.43.3296325; fax: +31.43.3296296, e-mail:; web site:

* Latest developments in EU and US competition law

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