Executive Summary

AuthorCastaño, Jonatan; Centeno, Clara; Jakobsone, Mara; Kluzer, Stefano; Troia, Sandra; Vuorikari, Riina; Cabrera, Marcelino; O'Keeffe, William; Zandbergs, Uldis; Clifford, Ian; Punie, Yves
DigCompSAT: A Self-reflection Tool for DigComp
Executive Summary
Identifying digital skills and needs has been a challenge throughout the world. At a European level, the DigComp
framework provides a comprehensive approach, which can be adapted to many areas of life, regardless of the
fast-developing digital technology. The update of the DigComp Framework to version 2.1 addressed that need
when it defined 8 proficiency levels along 3 dimensions: complexity of tasks, autonomy and cogniti ve domain.
The DigComp Tool developed in this project addresses DigComp competence levels 1 to 6, w hich are the most
widely nee ded digital competence levels for most European citizens, especially with their e mployment and
career development in mind . The Tool was designed with a methodological perspective that allows assessing
of digital competence by the 3 e lements - knowledge, skills and atti tude for e ach of the 5 DigComp areas,
and that provides respondents with a self-reflection path on their digital competence.
The target population included 16-65-year-old individuals identified as with basic, intermediate and advanced
level of digital skills, from different EU Member States. The selected countries represented the three country
categories defined by the DSI index (2020), regarding the percentage of the no- and low-skil led population in
the society: Ireland over EU average, Spain close to EU average, and Latvia significantly belo w EU average.
The project piloting was carried out during the Covid-19 crisis and required the team to amend plans
accordingly (e.g. the pilo t setting was moved online instead of face-to-face). The Tool provided reliable
feedback of digital competence level for the 5 competence areas for different age and gender gro ups,
education and digital skills levels , as well as respondents from countries with cultural variety and different
training and learning patterns.
This report is written to describe the process and methodology that was taken to achieve the end result. An
accompanying document of technical annexes provides all the statistical data, t he Item Bank versions and
other materials.

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