Factors that affect the learning process of a foreign language

AuthorElsa Vula
PositionUniversity of Gjakova- Kosovo
Vol. 3 No. 3
November 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Factors that a ect the learning process of a foreign language
PhD (C.) Elsa Vula
University of Gjakova- Kosovo
Learning as a complicated process and very signi cant one is followed by di erent in uencers
that cause di erent problems due to students’ performance in learning a foreign language.
In order to work and try to eliminate such factors we have to detect which are the factors
that we as teachers, professors, assistants, have to carry on during the process of teaching.
This theoretical research paper will provide scienti c data due to di erent factors that a ect
learning process of foreign language that were conducted in di erent places among the world.
The researches that are selected are coherently linked with the aim of this scienti c paper and
have ensured results from cases studies, quantitative research, and empirical research.
Keywords: Learning, teaching, English language, learning factors.
Learning a foreign language can be di erentiated from any other subject, for the
reason that goes beyond learning formulas, or history periods. All languages in
all over the world carry di erent “packages” of language constructions, spelling,
pronunciations, vocabularies, body language, sign language, and etc. Learning a
new language means understanding the concept of others’ living life which can be so
di erent compared to the person’s life that is learning a foreign language.
Due to these di erences or characteristics that languages share means that the
process of learning any of world foreign languages is seemed to be very complicated
process and requires great e orts in mastering it. Learning as a process is closed
enough related to teaching as a process, since these two processes cannot achieve
their goals because rely in one another. Generally means that the failure of one of
these two processes alarms the failure of another process, which leads us as students
and teachers to collaborate and help each other in order that these two processes to
achieve the learning outcomes.
Albanian language and English language share a lot of di erences and a few
similarities among them. The culture of both languages di ers in many things,
in which such di erences make a comparative grammar and spelling as well as
pronouncing. Related to these di erences Albanian people, pupils, or students who
have studied or are studying English language face many challenges in order to
master the learning process of English language.
Such issues are not found only in learning English language but it can be found out in
di erent languages. In addition such problems have been discussed and analyzed by
di erent scholars or researches that have done great research work in nding factors
that a ect the learning process of foreign language.

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