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Last year, the American Director George Lucas highlighted the threat of global digital screening on the release of the Star Wars prequel, The Phantom menace. This year, Toy Story II was released in several European cinemas equipped for digital screening, notably the Gaumont Aquaboulevard in Paris. Tomano Fattorossi, President of Media Salles, a branch of Gaumont/Buena Vista International, believes the digital revolution will not only be technological but that demand will come to dictate supply, cinema-goers choosing what they want to see.--According to certain experts, digital screening (which sounds the dedeath knell of traditional film reels) may replace traditional screening (using notoriously expensive 35mm copies). However, the equipment required is not within the financial reach of all operators. Digital will permit practically unlimited screening of films without any technical constraints. Speaking at the Cannes Film Festival, Catherine Tasca, France's Minister of Culture, alluded with wonder to the thought that a single digital signal might be broadcast to millions of viewers.--Larry Gleason of MGM distribution points out that while the shift to digital will be costly (USD100,000/FF650,000 for a single screen), the investment is not unreasonable given the savings the technology yields (staff and manufacturing costs, etc.). Above all, however, it will enable operators to improve the return on films. Thanks to its flexibility (no more reels...

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