Final database

Final datab ase
European Inst itute for Gender Equalit y
8. Final database
(18) Reques ts should b e sent to eige. sec@eige.europa .eu
8.1. Micro and macro data
The analysis of results may be carried out
according to gender (female, male) and age
group (18-39, 40- 64, and 65) at European level
and at cluster level, with the exception of some
cases in Q9 and Q10.
Table 1 provides information on the sample
sizes, both planned and nal. Due to the lter
question (Q8), some variables (Q9, Q10, Q11)
have insucient data to per form the analysis by
cluster or Member State within an acceptable
error level.
Annex 4 provides the sampling errors of a pro-
portion of each question at Member State, clus-
ter and EU-28 level, highlighting in green the
cases with a sampling error that could be con-
sidered acceptable ( 5 %).
In some exceptional cases where the sample size
is adequate for some items, depending on gen-
der, suciently precise estimates could be cal-
culated at Member State level. A rule of thumb
could be to accept a s ample size where it has at
least 50 respondents in each category of interest.
The fact that this database only provides infor-
mation for people with direct experience of the
services evaluated is not a drawback. Rather,
these data are highly valuable, as evaluations
of the services are based on personal experi-
ence rather than on others experience, word of
mouth or intuiti ve inferences. Users with direct
experience of the services analysed are likely
to have clear perceptions and thus provide an
accurate evaluation of the services. Drawing
conclusions from the overall population is not
possible, but drawing conclusions from service
users certainly is.
The database at cluster and EU level is availa-
ble on request in SPSS format (.sav) (
). The le
includes all of the questions in the questionnaire,
accompanied by additional contextual informa-
tion (see Section 9 for description). The aggrega-
tion of the scale and ordinal variables was done
using the arithmetic mean, while the nominal
variables (Q8, Q14 and Q16) were aggregated
through the median.
8.2. Contextual information
Perceptions of context are useful where indi-
viduals elaborate on the subjective perceptions
that an ad hoc survey aims to measure. To facil-
itate testing the impac t of the context, the data-
base includes a set of macro indicators that aim
to reconstruct the economic, health and polit-
ical environments of each cluster, with special
reference to gender inequality.
That system of context indicators (SCI) was
compiled through dierent data sources and is
structured according to the following indicator
areas (see Annex 5):
income and income distribution
labour market
social expenditure
crime and corruption
violence against women.
Income and income distribution
Income and income distribution contain GDP at
market prices and per capita GDP, which allows
for a measure of the income of each Member
State. However, specic indicators have been
included on income distribution (Gini Index) and
poverty (money poverty, material deprivation

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