
AuthorBesim Arifi
PositionEuropean University of Tirana
ISSN 2410-759X
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Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania Vol. 1 No. 3
January 2016
PhD (C.) Besim Arifi
European University of Tirana
Fingerprints are unique, a finger, a fingerprint. They are permanent and retrievable if it
is not damaged dermis (tissue). They never change, except for their size. The size of the
baby’s finger grows with its growth and development. Until now there have not been
found two people in the world who have the same footprint of fingers. The inner surface
of the hands of the fingers to the node, crests contains verses between every line.
Fingerprints are all those stripes or ridges invisible, semi-visible or visible, formed by
layers of matter sweat-fatty fingers, which is located in them and deposited (left) during
contact with the surface which is affected. These lines are found only on the surface of the
hand and the foot of barefoot. These lines or wrinkles are called papilla - crests. Human
skin consists of two layers: the epidermis and dermis.
Epidermis is the top layer of skin and dermis is the layer where the papilla that release
sweat and fat that man. This sweat and fat is released through pores which are located
across ridges on their peaks. Fingerprints found everywhere where the perpetrator
touched things by hand at the scene. Depending on the offense occurred, these traces can
be found in different places, ex. : in a theft case, these tracks are demanding more and can
be found: on the front door or window, through tables, shelves etc. In cases of murder or
when using weapons, they can be found at: own a gun, in other tools like knife, stick, etc.,
In cases of suicide in the last letter, etc., In cases of threats to the letter threatening etc.
Finding fingerprints at a crime scene is safe contact argument to him that has left the
surface even sure sign of his presence at the scene.
Keywords: fingerprints, ridges, epidermis, dermis, crime scene.
Establishing the identity of a suspect or victim is one of the most important purposes
of physical evidence. The most positive means of identifying people is through
fingerprints. Fingerprints form on a person before birth and remain unchanged
throughout life. Except for a few exceptions, everyone has fingerprints. In this
theme, the term fingerprints includes all types of prints, including finger, palm, toe,
and the sole of the foot. Locating and preserving fingerprints is one of the most
important responsibilities of a crime scene specialist while processing a crime scene.
One of the most valuable clues at the scene of a crime is fingerprints. Fingerprints
are markings that are left on a surface by a human hand and have the same markings
as the skin of the fingers. Skin and ridge patterns are unique to each person.
Unless their hands are covered with gloves or some other form of protection while
committing a crime, criminals cannot avoid leaving clues in the form of fingerprints.

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