
AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (European Commission), European Centre of Expertise (ECE)
Flash Re por t 1 2/2018
Decem ber 20 18
Sum ma ry
(I ) Govern men t h as br ough t a Proposal for Amend ing the Em ploy ment Cont ract s Act
bef ore the Parliam ent.
(I I) Th e Labo ur Cour t has issued a jud gement con cerning dism issal protect ion.
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1 Nation al Le gislat ion
1.1 Dism issa l pr otectio n
The governm ent has published Proposal ( 227/ 201 8) for Amending Em ploym ent
Cont ra cts Act Chapt er 7 Sect ion 2 ( 55 / 200 1, her eina ft er ECA) an d Em plo ym ent Secu rit y
Act Chapter 2 a, Section 1 (12 90/ 2002) . The amendm ent concerns indiv idual grounds
for term in at ing employ m en t contract . According to ECA 7: 1 there m ust alw ay s be a
pr oper and im por tan t r eason for a ter min ati on. The int erpr etat ion of th is re quir em ent is
specified in t he am endment: wh en evalu at ing th e gr ounds, the n umber of employ ees
as well as t he o verall circu mst ances of t he employ er and t he em ployee are to be taken
into accou nt.
The pur pose of the amendm ent is to ensure t h at the special circumstances of sm all
employer u nits are sufficient ly taken in t o account when evaluating the individual
grounds of term in at ion. Act ually , t he on ly change in t he r egulat ion is t hat t he num ber
of em ployees is specified now. The circum stances of t he em ploy er and the em p loyee
ha ve b een in clud ed i nt o ECA 7 : 2 al rea dy, an d i n t he lega l p rax is t he size of th e em pl oye r
(r elevant fact s such as the num ber of em ploy ees, financial circum st ances etc.) have
been tak en in to accoun t f or d ecades.
The m ain reason f or drafting the proposal were huge political strikes in Fin land . The
main rea son for the st rik es was that t he ori ginal i dea o f t he g over nment wa s to abol ish
all g roun ds for indiv idually -based ter min ation of employm ent cont racts i n un dert akin gs
with less t h an 20 employees. After t he strikes taking place, the proposal w as
supplem ent ed by tw o w or ds, num ber of em p loyees, which, as mentioned, h ad been
ta ken in to acco unt w hen ev alua tin g ind ivid ual ( ECA 7: 2) a nd fin anci al ( ECA 7 :3 ) gr oun ds
of t er m ination as lon g as case law on dismissal pr otect ion has exist ed. As a fur t her
resul t of these events, the w aiti ng p eriod for receiv ing unem ploym ent ben efit s aft er an
em ploy ee-based t erm inat ion was sho rtened fr om thr ee m ont hs t o two mont hs.
The Am endm ent is m eant to com e into force 0 1 Jul y 201 9.

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