Follow-up to the European Parliament resolution on the 2017 annual report

AuthorEuropean Anti-Fraud Office (European Commission)
30th Annual Report on the Protection of the European Union’s financial interests — Fight against fraud 
8. Follow-up to the European
Parliament resolution on the
 annual report
On 31 January 2019, the E uropean Parliament adopt ed a resolution on the Comm ission’s
2017 annual repor t on the protec tion of the EU s f‌inancial inter ests – f‌ight s against
fraud79. The C ommission welcomed t he European P arliament ’s resolution an d noted
the Parliame nt’s recognit ion of the Commissio n’s actions in th e f‌ight against fra ud and
support for it s initiatives in t his f‌ield, in par ticular th e establishm ent of the Europ ean
Public Prose cutor’s Of‌f‌ice ( EPPO) and the C ommission propo sal to amend Re gulation
No 883/2013 on O LAF inves tigations. T he Commission will be a ble to positively fol low
up on many topic s raised by the Par liament, e specially the c all for close cooper ation be-
tween OL AF and the EPPO. T he Commission will also cont inue to encourage tho se Member
States that do n ot yet partici pate in the EPP O to join and ensure that the EPP O has ade-
quate resour ces to carry o ut its mandat e. The Commissio n will comment in det ail on the
Parliament ’s resolution in its formal rep ly to be transmitted later t his year (80).
() /(INI).
() SP().

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