
AuthorEuropean Anti-Fraud Office (European Commission)
th Annual Report on the Protection of the European Union’s financial interests — Fight against fraud 
Over the past 3 0 years, the protec tion of the European U nion’s f‌inancial interes ts has been
a priority for th e European Commission. Ensur ing that the EU budget is being s pent in the
most ef‌fecti ve manner is not optional; it is an o bligation for both t he institutions and th e
Member States . It is vital in order to preser ve and promote citizens’ tr ust in the EU.
During its ma ndate, the Ju ncker Commission ha s paid part icular atte ntion to the p rotec-
tion of the EU’s f‌in ancial interests. The a nti-fraud landscape ha s been strengthened wi th
the adoptio n of the directive on the pro tection of the EU’s f‌inan cial interests by means of
criminal law (PI F directive), th e establish ment of the Euro pean Public Pr osecutor ’s Of‌f‌ice
by enhanced coo peration, t he proposal t o amend the OL AF Regul ation (Regul ation (EU,
Euratom) No 883 /2013) and the ad option of the n ew Commission An ti-Fraud Str ategy.
Furtherm ore, this Commissi on has launc hed the “EU B udget Focus ed On Results ” (BFOR)
initiative, in ord er to join ef‌forts of EU institu tions, governments and c ivil society towards
better spen ding, increa sed account ability and t ransparen cy, and creating a m aximum
added value for EU c itizens.
The motivati on for the Commissio n’s actions has be en consistent t hroughout t he years:
to protect t he EU budget from fraudsters a nd ensure that E uropean mon ey reaches pro -
jects that a f‌fect citizen s’ lives in Europe a nd beyond. T he yearly achievem ents of the
Commission and t he Member Stat es and the mea sures taken t o pursue this g oal are
showcased in t he annual reports on t he protection of the EU’s f‌in ancial interests, the so -
called PIF rep orts. They are pre sented by the Commission to t he European Parliame nt and
the Council , under Article 325 of the Treaty on t he Functioning of the EU. T he f‌irst repor t
was published 3 0 years ago, back in 1990.
From the sett ing-up of th e Commission’s Ant i-Fraud Coord ination Unit (U CLAF) i n 1988,
and then of it s successor, the European Ant i-Fraud Of‌f‌ice (OLAF ) in 1999, to the adoption
of the latest C ommission Anti -Fraud Strate gy, the Commission ha s been contin uously
developing the U nion’s anti-frau d system in coop eration with i ts stakeho lders, in par-
ticular the o ther Europea n institut ions and the Me mber States. Year a er year, the PIF
reports h ave testif‌ied to these ef‌for ts at European and nation al level and they have been
progressively enr iched with thorough a nd informative analyses of irr egularities and fraud
detected a nd report ed by the Memb er States to draw up e vidence-b ased recom menda-
tions to all player s.
As we are moving t o the next stage of the f‌ig ht against fraud, with newly e merging types
of fraud to tack le and a new institutiona l landscape, the Com mission, the Member States,
as well as OL AF and the EPPO, will have all key r oles to play.
I am pleased to c elebrate with you the 30t h anniversary of the PIF r eport and I invite you
to discover more on t he following pages.
Günther Oettinger,
European Un ion Commissioner for Budget an d Human Resou rces

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