Functioning of the internal control system

AuthorCourt of Justice of the European Union
t is impor tant to point out that the eective and e cient functioning of the internal control s ystem is a
priorit y of the Court. This interna l control system is based in p articular on the followin g pillars:
an internal control framework based on the application of internal control stand ards adapted in 2014
fol low ing the u pda tin g of t he  nst itu tio ns i nte rna l na nci al ru les . n 2018, a ne w ver sio n of t he i nter nal
control framework , based on the 2013 COSO benchmark
and int end ed to be a ppli ed f rom 2019, was
XXthe existenc e of a centralised ex ante veric ation service, integra ted within the DBFM, which c arries
out the ex ante control of all nancial operations at the Court, as well as verifying agents within several
authorising se rvices who carr y out an initial review of the mer its of each item of expendit ure;
a highly eective integrated account and budget management system which facilitates the control
and monitoring of o perations, the proper func tioning of which is ensured by the D BFM;
XXassistance and adv ice provided by the DBFM in respect of questions relating to the application of the
Fin anc ial Regu lat ion and, in p art icu lar, i n re spe ct o f que sti ons rela tin g to publ ic p roc urem ent , he lpin g
to reduce the risk of ir regularities and/or error s in managing appropriations;
continuit y in risk analysis and management exercises for the whole Court, which provide an overview
of the risks to be de alt with;
XXthe per formance of ex pos t controls by the DBFM, on the b asis of an annual pr ogramme approved
by the authoris ing ocer by delegation;
XXan internal audit department, which is completely independent in the conduct of its audits, provides
the nstitut ion with assurance on the degree of control over operations carrie d out to implement the
budget and provides it w ith advice to improve the conditio ns for carry ing out these operations, as
well as to promote soun d nancial management.
11| This is the nt ernal Control -  ntegrated Fram ework of the Comm ittee of Spons oring Organis ations of the Tread way Commission
(COSO), an organi sation created in 1985 i n the United States by pr ofessional ass ociations in the el ds of accounting and aud iting
to develop gu idelines for ris k management, in ternal control an d fraud prevent ion.
56 Annual manage ment report - 2018

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