General legal framework

AuthorJakub Tomsej
Constitutional provisions on protection against discrimination and the promotion
of equality
The constitutional law of Czechia includes the following articles dealing with non-
Article 3 of the Charter guarantees equality in access to fundamental rights and freedoms
and includes an open-ended list, expressly prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of
sex, race, colour, language, religion or belief, political or other conviction, national or social
origin, membership of a national or ethnic minority, property and birth or other status. The
Constitutional Court confirmed that age may fall under the category of ‘other status’.27
Other grounds, such as disability or sexual orientation arguably also fall under ‘other
These provisions apply to all areas covered by the directives. Their material scope is
broader than those of the directives.
The constitutional anti-discrimination provisions are directly applicable, but cannot be
enforced against private persons.
27 Constitutional Court, judgment No. II. ÚS 1609/08, of 30 April 2009.

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