General legal framework

AuthorMarlies Vegter
2 General legal framework
2.1 Constitution
2.1.1 Constitutional ban on sex discrimination
Article 1 of the Constitution of the Netherlands stipulates that the Government must treat
all citizens equally and forbids discrimination on, inter alia, the gr ound of sex.
2.1.2 Other constitutional protection of equality between men and w omen
The Constitution contains no other articles pertaining to equality between men and women.
2.2 Equal treatment legislation
The Netherlands has sp ecific equal treatment legislat ion in regard to sex discrimination.
Article 5 of the GETA4 forbids discrimination in the field of emp loyment, Article 6 GETA in
the field of the liberal professions, Article 6a GETA in the area of associations of employers,
employees and in prof essional organisations, Article 7 in the field of g oods and services
and Article 7a in the area of social protection, including social security and social
advantages. The Act on Equal Treatment of Men and Women (ETA)5 prohibits sex
discrimination in the field of employment and pensions, both in the private and in the
public sector. Article 7:646 of the Dutch Civil Code specifically prohibits sex discrimination
in the private sector.
The GETA also prohibits discrimination on other grounds: race/ethnic origin,
religion/beliefs, political affiliation, nationality and marital status. The Equal Treatment Act
on the Ground of Age6 prohibits age discrimin ation and the E qual Treatment Act on the
Grounds of Disability or Chronic Illness7 forbids discrimination on these grounds. The Dutch
Civil Code contains specific articles that relate to discrimination on the grounds of full-time
or part-time work (Article 7:648) and the temporary cha racter of an employment
agreement (Article 7:649).
4 General Equal Treatment Act (Algemene Wet Gelijke Behandeling), 1994 Stb. 1994, 230.
5 Act on Equal Treatment of Men and Women (Wet Gelijke Behandeling van mannen en vrouwen), 1980 Stb.
1980, 86.
6 Equal Treatment Act on the Ground of Age (Wet Gelijke Behandeling op grond van leeftijd), 2003 Stb.
2004, 30.
7 Equal Treatment Act on the Grounds of Disability or Chronic Illness (Wet Gelijke Behandeling op grond van
handicap of chronische ziekte), 2003 Stb. 2003, 206.

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