General overview of applications made to ECHR against Albania

AuthorRavesa Nano
Vol. 1 No. 1
January 2017
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at
General overview of applications made to ECHR against Albania
Ravesa Nano
Albania has ratif‌i ed the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) on October 2, 1996
and since that time 495 applications against Albania were sent to the European Court of Human
Rights. According to the ECHR statistics for Albania, although the number of applications
has increased in a progressive way, very few applications were considered admissible for
judgments. For example for the year 2015 the ECHR dealt with 101 applications concerning
Albania, 79 of which were declared inadmissible or struck out. It delivered 7 judgments
(concerning 22 applications), which found at least one violation of the European Convention
on Human Rights. Generally, the subject – ma er of violation judgments has been mainly
about right to a fair trial (40%), length of proceedings (10%), right to an e ective remedy (20%),
protection of property (20%) and others (10%). Seen through these statistics, Albanian main
judicial problems are ‘the right of a fair trial’ and ‘length of proceedings’.
Keywords: ECHR, Albania, procedure, process.
Albania has ratif‌i ed the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) on October
2, 1996 and since that time 495 applications against Albania were sent to the European
Court of Human Rights.1 According to the ECHR statistics for Albania, although the
number of applications has increased in a progressive way, very few applications were
considered admissible for judgments. For example for the year 2015 the ECHR dealt
with 101 applications concerning Albania, of which 79 were declared inadmissible or
struck out. It delivered 7 judgments (concerning 22 applications), which found at least
one violation of the European Convention on Human Rights. Generally, the subject –
ma er of violation judgments has been mainly about right to a fair trial (40%), length
of proceedings (10%), right to an e ective remedy (20%), protection of property (20%)
and others (10%). Seen through these statistics, Albanian main judicial problems are
‘the right of a fair trial’ and ‘length of proceedings’.
The issue of fair trial and length of proceedings constitutes about 50% of ECHR
violations against Albania and almost always is a conjunction with other issues such
as length of proceedings, non-enforcement of f‌i nal court decision etc. The length of
the proceeding seems to be a recent phenomenon in the applications against Albania;
however, it is always accompanied by the issue of a fair trial. As Shaw points out
individuals who complain at ECHR cannot raise abstract issues, but must be able to
claim to be the victim of violations of one or more of the convention rights’ (Shaw, 2003,
329). In most of the cases brought to the Court against Albania the applicants claim
to be victim of violations of many rights when the main emphasizing is especially on
1 European Court of Human Rights. (2016). Albania. Retrieved from the off‌i cial website: http://www.echr.

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