Globalization and its impact on the contemporary society

AuthorXhemail Limani
PositionSt. Kliment Ohridski University
ISSN 2410-759X
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Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania Vol. 2 No. 1
May, 2016
Globalization and its impact on the contemporary society
PhD (C.) Xhemail Limani
St. Kliment Ohridski University
Today humanity is facing problems which are not only concern of some countries,
communities or nationalities, but they are global problems with huge impact in the
whole civilization. Some of those concerns are: global warming, global economy, global
education, terrorism and global risks, etc. Therefore, the concept of globalization is now
a subject of discussion and world’s intellectual debate. The interest to treat specific or
general aspects of globalization is constantly growing and it focuses on analyzing the
connection with various forms of social life and the effects of globalization on people’s
lives and the functioning of institutions.
According to Giddens (1997) globalization brings closer places with thousands of miles
distance, making them part of the local events. As Mc Luhan (1964) states today we
witness that we belong to one global village and each day thousands of people deal with
issues which have global impact. Even though not all people in the planet are involved in
the process of globalization, again it influences them as an external factor.
In this paper it is emphasized that the Western Balkans processes of globalization can be
seen from several aspects. In particular, the market becomes the dominant form of
everyday’s life. Young the elderly people face this phenomenon, regardless their previous
contacts with it. It is primarily related to the following factors: the flow of information,
internet and mobile development, which is also accompanied with the process of
globalization of knowledge and trade and those are inseparable parts of social
movements. The number of e-bay and internet users in Macedonia is constantly growing.
We will elaborate this issue through descriptive and statistical methods and also through
analysis of the provided documentation.
Keywords: Globalisitiom, Imapct, Contemporary Society, Information Society.
Today, in the time we live, globalization and its definitions have been the object of
surveys of economists, sociologists, political and communicaton scientists, etc.
Therefore there is a large number of definitions and approaches for this social
phenomenon. There exist many definitions of what globalization actually is and
we may freely conclude that these definitions, in most cases are too subjective and
depend on the experience and position of the determinative, whether his thoughts
and attitudes are pro or anti-globalisation. The word “globalization” is often used
to describe a process, a state, a system, a strength and an era. But a large number of
scholars almost agree on the issue that this notion shows a social condition
characterized by the presence of interconnections and global economic, political,
cultural, and environmental flows. However, on the other hand the term
globalisation it is more and more used to refere to a set of social processes that are

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