
AuthorEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (EU body or agency)
Accused person Any person who has be en formally charged with an offence before a cour t.
Arrest An action of ap prehending persons by police and ta king them into police custody.
Charge An off‌icial notif‌ication given to an ind ividual by the competen t authority of an
allegation that he/she has com mitted a crime, also referred to as ‘accusation’.
Child Any person below the a ge of 18 years.
Defendant Any person su bject to criminal proceedin gs initiated by relevant authoritie s due to
suspicion of he or she havi ng committed a crime. The person rem ains a defendant
until the conclusion of t he proceedings, whic h is understood to mean t he f‌inal
determination of the q uestion as to wheth er or not the person has com mitted
the criminal offence. This conclusion of proceedings includes, where applicable,
sentencing and the resolution of any appeal. It includes the following: person
of interest; suspect o r accused person (see fur ther separate def‌i nitions of these
three categories in t his glossary).
Deprivation of liberty Arrest or detention, including wh en police apprehends a p erson and quest ions
him/her without a j udicial decision o r any warrant. That pe rson may be set free
after question ing; however, deprivation of liberty ap plies if during some period of
time, he/she was not allowed to leave poli ce cu stody.
European arrest warrant An arrest warrant b ased on the Council Fra mework Decision 2002/584/JH A of
13June 2002 on the European arres t warrant and the surrender proced ures between
Member States (EAW) valid t hroughout all Me mber States of the European U nion.
Once issued by one Membe r State (the so-called ‘issuing Member Sta te’), it requires
another Member State (the so -called ‘executing Memb er State’) to arrest and
transfer a crimina l suspect or senten ced person to the issuing s tate so that the
person can be put on t rial or complete a detention period.
Executing Member State See under ‘European arrest warrant’.
Issuing Member State See under ‘European arrest warrant’.
Law enforcement authority National police, customs or othe r authority that i s authorised to detec t, prevent
and investigate offences a nd to exercise authority and coercive force.
Lawyer Any person who is authorised to p ursue professional leg al activities, i ncluding to
advise people a bout the law and to represent t hem in court. More sp ecif‌ically, in
the context of this repor t, it includes d efence lawyers, as perso ns authorised to
advise and represent defendants.
Legal aid System of fun ding accessible to peop le with insuff‌icie nt or no means to cover
professional legal he lp and costs of proceedings themselves.
Monitoring bodies National statutory bodies monitoring detention facilities, usually working
for National Huma n Rights Institu tions (NHRIs), playing an im portant role in
strengthening the implementation of procedural rights of suspected and accused
persons in crimi nal proceedings, ens uring the effec tive implementat ion of EU
legislation, in pa rticular, by monitori ng the implement ation of safeguards for
national procedura l rights in practice.

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