Goods and services (Directive 2004/113)
Author | Nicole Kerschen |
Pages | 50-51 |
9 Goods and services (Directive 2004/113)95
9.1 General (legal) context
9.1.1 Surveys and reports about the difficulties linked to equal access to and sup ply of
goods and services
There are no surveys or reports about the difficulties linked to equal access to and supply
of goods and services.
9.1.2 Specific problems of discrimination in the online environment/digital
market/collaborative economy
See under 9.1.3.
9.1.3 Political and societal debate
In particular, it was mentioned in the National Plan on Gender Equality 2015 -2018, that
according to the new legislation:
‘the representation of women and men in video ga mes, songs and advertising in
particular and in the media in general (newspapers, TV, radio, etc.) will be analysed
and observed in ord er to raise public awareness of the consequ ences of an
unbalanced, even discriminatory or manipulative representation and to obtain a
greater neutrality in gender representation (including advertisements for toys) ’.96
9.2 Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination
discrimination on grounds of sex in access to goods and services are prohibited by
Article 2, which states that ‘any direct or indirect discrimination based on gender, including
a less favourable treatment of women due to pregnancy or maternity, i s prohibited’.
9.3 Material scope
According to Article 3(1), the law applies to all persons who provide goods and services,
which are available to the public irrespective of the person concerned as regards both the
public and private sectors, including public bodies.
According to Article 3(2), the law does not apply to goods and services which are offered
in the area of private and family life and the transactions carried out in th is context.
9.4 Exceptions
There are no more restrictions regarding t he content of media, advertising and education
since the Law of 19 June 201298 amended Article 3(4) of the Law of 21 December 2007.
Media, advertising and education are no longer excluded from the scope of the legislation.
95 See e.g. Caracciolo di Torella, E., and McLellan, B. (2018), Gender equality and the collaborative economy,
European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination, available at:
96 NAP on equality 2015-2018 p. 6 (MEGA 2015).
98 Memorial A No. 137 of 5 July 2012. Website:
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