Harmonization of didactic and methodical apparatus of the textbook Man and Nature 4 with objectives and expected standards of achievement .

AuthorRuzhdi Kadrija
PositionEuropean University of Tirana, Tirana
ISSN 2410-759X
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania Vol. 1 No. 3
January 2016
Harmonization of didactic and methodical apparatus of the textbook Man
and Nature 4
with objectives and expected standards of achievement
PhD (C.)Ruzhdi Kadrija
European University of Tirana, Tirana
Didactic and methodical apparatus in the textbook Man and Nature 4 is part of not
literal of this textbook and consists of illustrations, photographs, question and other
educational tasks. It is in function of a better understanding of the teaching contents and
in order to build active and interactive of the knowledge and other educational qualities.
For this research we carefully analyzed the objectives and expected standards of the
curriculum for the school subject Man and Nature for the fourth grade. These curriculum
objectives we compared with the illustrations, tasks and other didactic and methodical
activities of educational apparatus of the textbook in this subject. From the comparison
of this didactic apparatus with the objectives and expected results of the relevant
curriculum we found interesting and important data. As far as we observed, didactic
and methodical apparatus of the textbook Man and Nature 4 is not sufficiently harmonized
with the curriculum objectives of this school subject, needs and opportunities of the
schoolchildren of this age. This analysis and comparison we based on Benjamin Bloom’s
teaching objectives hierarchy. Didactic and methodical apparatus if the textbook Man
and Nature 4 stands at lower level compared with the teaching goals and expected
objectives and standards to achieve in this school subject. It has particularly mechanical
repetition dispositions and passive knowledge studied from the textbook of this school
subject. These data and findings in this research will be presented through percentages,
and different graphical tables.
Keywords: Textbooks, School curricula, Didactic-methodical equipment, Contemporary
teaching, Learning objectives.
Teaching is a planned activity and process organized systematically to educate young
generations. For this purpose the Ministry of Education prepares curricula for
teaching subjects for special education rate. In these curriculums besides are defined
the teaching contents that will be learned by schoolchildren, teaching strategies
and the objectives and standards of achievement of schoolchildren in lessons. These
official norms instructions and psycho-pedagogical must adhere the textbooks and
teachers in their pedagogical work. In this paper the research object and analysis is
Harmonization of didactic and methodical apparatus of the textbook Man and Nature
4 with objectives and expected standards of achievement. The school subject Man
and Nature in Kosovo is taught from grade III –V in the primary school. Its matter
consists of four teaching entireties with basic knowledge of Biology, Chemistry,
Physics and Geography. The authors of the textbook Man and Nature 4 have not
harmonized enough didactic and methodical apparatus of the textbook with the
objectives and expected standards of achievement for this school subject. The
photographs, illustrations and other tasks of this textbook are mostly of repeating

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