Historical development of the minor's custody in the Roman Law

AuthorEntela Filo
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 2 No. 1
January, 2018
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Historical development of the minor’s custody in the Roman Law
PhD (C.) Entela Filo
The children, as the most fragile category in the society, have always been in need of special
care and protection, which is usually exercised by parents, who take care of their well-being
and development.
out of parents’ custody and could not therefore provide the necessary protection of their rights
and interests.
Under these conditions the need of the MinorsCustody Institute was created as a form
of society’s response to the protection of this category of subjects, an institute that, for its
ownlegal andsocial signicancehas beentreated sincethe earlystages ofhuman societys
development, by evolving in its most perfect form to nowadays.
Keywords: HistoryRomanLawMinorCustody
Historical development of custody on minors in the Roman Law
of the tutoring institute, included two subdivisions: tutorship and guardianship.
Historical data show that tutorship and guardianship were institutes that carried out
the protection of the property interests of the subjects that were under the authority
of the tutor or guardian (as their legal representative), in legal relations of property
character Legal rules on tutorship and guardianship under Roman law do not
enter into family law maers These institutes belonged to the personal right ius
personarumwhichinitselfincludedalltheRomanlaw institutesthatinuencedthe
intheRoman familythe powerofpaterfamilia was eternal, there was no problem of
The problem of the ability to act, was created only in those persons who did not live
under the power of the head of the family, who were known the status sui iuris, but
that were in such circumstances that they could not reasonably use the known rights.
These needs also arise for people who could not exercise the ability to act because of
the age and gender, as well as those who could not exercise the ability to act because
Thus, some law subjects who, while free and sui iuris, needed legal protection,
while they were possessors of a certain property, which they could not manage by
themselves (Ivo, 1989, 190).
of the impossibility of acting of persons, led to the creation of a tutorship and
guardianship institute.

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