How can we use a mathematical model in order to analyze and improve the efficiency of a productive activity?

AuthorMariana Nikolla - Elfrida Dishmema - Orkida Totojani - Bedri Dragusha
PositionAgricultural University of Tirana, Albania - Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania - Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania - University of Pristina, Kosovo
Vol. 3 No. 2
July 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
How can we use a mathematical model in order to analyze and improve the
e ciency of a productive activity?
Mariana Nikolla
Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Elfrida Dishmema
Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Orkida Totojani
Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Bedri Dragusha
University of Pristina, Kosovo
Beer business industry is one of the most pro table agro-processing industries in the country.
It has increased by expanding local and international market. There are 80 small and large
beer factories that have their activity in Albania. The leading domestic beer manufacturers are:
"Stela" beer, “Tirana” beer, “Korca” beer, “Kaon” beer, “Norga” beer, etc. They have invested
millions of euros in terms of improving the quality of their production. Stela beer was the
rst private beer active in the Albanian market. Its factory production founders of Stela beer
responded to the market by investing in the development of technology, modern equipment
and science. Stela beer processing and production systems have been improved continuously.
The investments today are at around 20 million dollars. The factory has a considerable
number of employees and a production capacity of around 250,000 hl per year. This article
uses information obtained for beer production during the period 2003-2016. Through non-
parametric mathematical model Dea, the impact of production factors such as investment,
advertising, expenses, capital and number of employees in the production of beer during
the study period is analyzed. The analysis showed that the best years or more e cient years
in the use of the quantity of inputs for the period 2003-2016 are 2007, 2014 and 2015. The
years 2003, 2010 and 2012 are less e cient by Dea analysis. The study also showed the best
possible combinations of inputs improving the e ciency of ine cient years in the Stela Beer
Keywords: mathematical model, production, e ciency, Stela beer, Albania.
One of the strategic policies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and
Water Management of the Republic of Albania is to promote the development of the
agro-food sector.
Increasing the quality of agricultural products, livestock and agroprocessing in the
country increases the interest in these products in foreign markets. Statistics published
by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Management for 2016

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