Human trafficking as a threat for the security of member states of EU

AuthorMirela Kapo
PositionUniversity of Tirana
Vol. 3 No. 2
July 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Human tra cking as a threat for the security of member states of EU
PhD (C.) Mirela Kapo
University of Tirana
The topic “Tra cking of human beings” as subject to advanced studies has been chosen due
to a growing interest linked with the phenomenon in question. The study introduces a legal-
criminal overview of the criminal activity consisted of the recruitment, transport, transfer or
reception of persons by means of force or forms of fraud for exploitation purposes.
Human tra cking represents a threat for the security of member states. The trend to
penetrate to all spheres of the society has obliged the European states to dra a new directive
re ecting the growing concern about the phenomenon in question, by respecting human
rights in accordance with the legal framework under the United Nations, International Labor
Organization (ILO), Council of Europe etc. The new European priorities aim at victims’
identi cation, their protection and prevention of the phenomenon and more intense criminal
prosecution of tra ckers.
With the view of fully developing this topic, the outline consists of four chapters preceded by a
historical background of human tra cking. Special importance in this study, speci cally in the
second chapter, is a ached to the assistance and protection of the victims of human tra cking.
It is crucial that these victims exercise their rights e ectively. Therefore, the European directives
foresee assistance and support before, a er and during the criminal proceeding.
The third chapter refers to the relevant legal mechanisms in this eld assuring the victims of
tra cking legal defense, the right to information and their social, psychological and physical
recovery. One of the “key” legal instruments is the Palermo Convention, which gives for
the rst time a detailed de nition of the term of tra cking and smuggling and makes the
di erences between them. All legal instruments converge to one point: the consent of the
human tra cking victim is not important when it is used any of the means of force, threat,
coercion or fraud.
Finally, apart from the conclusions of the present study, distinguished practical cases are
introduced, as well as statistical data and di culties encountered during the criminal process.
Keywords: victims of tra cking, sexual exploitation, Palermo Convention, EU Directive and the right
to information.
Tra cking in human beings is a very dangerous form of criminality in the modern
society, which during the last decades has marked a growing increase and exhibited a
number of serious consequences for human beings and the society. This criminal trend
is displayed in di erent countries. In particular, it has been and continues to be present
in those states which are involved with radical political, social, economic, cultural
and other related changes. It is worth mentioning the states of the former socialist
block, countries of Eastern Europe and Balkan countries. This is also demonstrated
by the numerous researches and studies conducted in these states and regions and in
other countries of the world, which fairly witness that tra cking of human beings,

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