Impact of interactive teaching on the efficient realization of objectives for children in early school age

AuthorArbona Xhemajli
PositionSs. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia, Public University 'Kadri Zeka' Gjilan - Kosovo
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at IIPCCL Publishing, Tirana-Albania
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1
March 2016
Impact of interactive teaching on the efficient realization of objectives
for children in early school age
PhD (C.) Arbona Xhemajli
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia
Public University “Kadri Zeka” Gjilan – Kosovo
Innovation of the practice of teaching through interactive models, new roles of teacher and
student, and preference of the activity of the student in the learning process, are found in the
basis of changes that is taking place in education in Kosovo. We are talking about actions that
aim to improve the quality, durability and applicability of the knowledge that students acquire
in school.
So today, in all cycles of education, new teaching models are applied that determine the student
as an active subject in the teaching process. Interactive teaching is recommended and
implemented with significant uplift, because it is becoming a need of modern education, and
part of the needs of teachers and students. The extent and quality of mastering the knowledge
in a large extent depends on the way work is organized in class and therefore interactive
teaching is a key factor to improve the efficiency and quality of learning.
Interactive teaching influences a higher level of motivation in the classroom by developing
the cooperation between the students and activates the responsibility of the students. They
learn about the harmonization of positions, collective action, tolerance and modern
communication using different sources of knowledge.
In this paper we define the terms of interaction and interactive teaching and actualize a number
of other issues related to interactive teaching in the early school age. Also, this paper presents
only a part of the authentic results of the two studies combined, one of the results obtained by
means of questionnaires given to teachers from nine schools in Kosovo and from the results of
interviews conducted with professionists as a focus group.
Results from the survey show that interactive learning methods are extensively covered by
the school age. They are already very popular in professional environments or communities
of teachers since practice proved their effectiveness.
Keywords: interaction, interactive teaching, learning efficiency.
We are witnessing rapid changes in society. One of the ways that lead to the
modernization of teaching is the application of interactive teaching. With the use of
interactive teaching, change is achieved between the activity of the teachers and
students. The goal of interactive teaching is to develop the personality and
individuality of every child, not just the adoption of program content. The need for
the introduction of interactive teaching stems primarily from the needs of children
and the needs of the modern education system.

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