Implementation issues

AuthorChiara Favilli
8.1 Dissemination of information, dialogue with NGOs and between social
a) Dissemination of information about legal protection against discrimination (Article 10
After its institution, UNAR launched a number of initiatives aimed at raising awareness
(seminars and other pub lic relations events), some of which have had an impact. According
to its annual reports, UNAR has a chieved a good degree of visibilit y, and this has been
accompanied by an increase in the attention paid by legal scholars to anti-d iscrimination
issues. Since 2014, however, there has been a gradual dec rease in the intensity of these
sorts of activities. Notwithstanding that some work, beside the activity of the contact
centre, was undertaken during 2018 after the appointment of the new director, this is still
a weak point. It is worth mentionin g that a consultative committee on LGBT issues has
been set up, comprising representative of NGOs and associations working on LGBT
Beyond UNAR’s activities, there are no specific government initiatives to disseminate
information about legal protection agai nst discrimination. In fact, OSCAD has the task of
protecting victims rath er than disseminating information on anti-discrimination law .
Occasional actions have been promoted by the regions and local authorities.
b) Measures to encourage dialogue with NGOs with a view to promoting the principle of
equal treatment (Article 12, Directive 2000/43 and Article 14, Dire ctive 2000/78)
Dialogue with NGOs on race an d ethnicity should be one of UNAR’s priorities. The most
relevant activity in this regard is th e creation of the consultativ e committee on LGBT issues,
since it comprises representative of associations and NGOs working on LGBT issues.111
c) Measures to promote dialogue between social partn ers to give effect to the principle
of equal treatment within workplace practices, codes of practice and workforce
monitoring (Article 11 Directive 2000/43 and Article 13 Directiv e 2000/78)
In Italy, no measure has been taken to promote dialogue between social partne rs so as
to combat discrimination.
d) Addressing the situation of Roma and Travellers
As coordinator of Italy’s national Roma strategy, UNAR c ontinues to p romote the
application of th e strategy at both national and regional level s.112 So far, however, ther e
have been no visible results, nor have any actions been carried out to apply the strategy.
At any rat e, no public documents, reports or projects have been diss eminated to explain
how UNAR is implementing the strategy.
8.2 Measures to ensure comp liance with the principle of equ al treatment
(Article 14 Directive 2000/43, Article 16 Directive 2000/78)
a) Compliance of national legislation (Articles 14(a) and 16(a))
110 See:
111 See:
112 UNAR, National Strategy for the inclusion of Roma, Sinti and Travellers 2012-2020 (Strategia nazionale
d’inclusione dei Rom, dei Sinti, e dei Caminanti 2012/2020), pp. 22-32.

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