Implementation issues

AuthorJakub Tomsej
8.1 Dissemination of information, dialogue with NGOs and between social
a) Dissemination of information about legal protection against discrimination (Article 10
Directive 2000/43 and Article 12 Directive 2000/78)
The Ombudsman carries out continuous activity to disseminate information about legal
protection against discrimination. This includes seminars for professionals, flyers and
recommendations for the wider public, information published on the website, annual
reports, and events etc.
b) Measures to encourage dialogue with NGOs with a view to promoting the principle of
equal treatment (Article 12 Directive 2000/43 and Article 14 Directive 2000/78)
The Ombudsman actively partners with NGOs. There are regular roundtables to facilitate
discussion and the exchange of experience between the Ombudsman and represent atives
of selected NGOs. The Ombudsman seems to take the comments coming from th e NGOs
into account when determining its priorities and activities.
c) Measures to promote dialogue between social pa rtners to give effect to the principle
of equal treatment within workplace practices, codes of practice, w orkforce
monitoring (Article 11 Directive 2000/43 and Article 13 Directiv e 2000/78)
Promoting dialogue between social partners with regard to the principle of equal treatment
in practices within the workplace is a task that comes under the competence of the
tripartite agreement (bringing together stakeholders in the labour market: employ ers,
trade unions and the Government) and the Ministry of Labour. However, the re have been
no further significant developments or opportunities in this respect.
d) Addressing the situation of Roma and Travellers
The Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs is a permanent advisory body of the
Government of Czechia on issues related to Roma integration. The Agency for Social
Inclusion is a body established by the Government to address Roma issues in socially
excluded communities. Specific tasks are performed by the Government Council for Human
Rights, the Governme ntal Council for Equality of Women and Men and the Governmental
Council for National Minorities.
The main actions of the Government include ed ucational activities targeting young people
and professional groups such as the police, members of the armed forces, judges and state
prosecutors. Educational activities for professional groups typically include training and
seminars on racially motivated crimes.
There are no Travellers in Czechia.
8.2 Measures to ensure compliance with the principle of equal treatment (Article
14 Directive 2000/43, Article 16 Directive 2000/78)
a) Compliance of national legislation (Articles 14(a) and 16(a))
Czechia has taken the necessary measures to ensure that any laws, regulations and
administrative provisions contrary to the principle of equal treatment are abolished (Article
14(a) of Directive 2000/43 and Article 16(a) of Directive 2000/78).

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