Implementation issues
Author | Kogovsek Salamon, Neza |
Pages | 87-88 |
8.1 Dissemination of information, dialogue with NGOs and between soc ial
a) Dissemination of information about legal protection against discrimination ( Article
Pursuant to Article 154 of the Constitution, regulations must be published prior to their
coming into force. State regulations are published in the State Official Journal, whereas
local community regulations are published in an official publication as determined by the
local community. The Advocate disseminates specific non-discrimination related content
from its work via its we bsite, social media channels (Facebook and
Twitter), in public events and through media announcements.
b) Measures to encourage dialogue with NGOs with a view to promoting the principle
Under Article 15 of the Protection Against Discri mination Act, in designing solutions and
proposals aimed at achieving the purpose of the Act, the Government and other state
bodies have to cooperate with NGOs (associations, f oundations or institutes). The annual
report of the Advocate of the Principle of Equality for 2019 provides information on the
dialogue led with NGOs.195
c) Measures to promote dialogue between social pa rtners to give effect to the principle
of equal treatment within workplace practices, codes of practice and workforce
Under Article 15 of the Protection Against Discri mination Act, in designing solutions and
proposals aimed at achieving the purpose of the Act, the Government and other state
bodies have to cooperate with social partners who are active in the field of equal
treatment; th e protection of human rights and fun damental freedoms ; t he protection of
vulnerable groups from discrimination; or the provision of legal or social assistanc e to
persons who experience discrimination. Trade unions provide legal assistance to vi ctims
of discrimination at work when they a re enforcing their rights before the courts and other
state bodies.
d) Addressing the situation of Roma and Travellers
The situation of the Roma is addressed by the Advocate of the Principle of Equality.
Competence for the situation of the Roma also lies with the Government Office for
Minorities (which deals with the p osition of Italian and Hungarian min orities in addition to
the Roma ethnic community).
8.2 Measures to ensure c ompliance with the principl e of equal treatment
a) Compliance of national legislation (Articles 14(a) and 16(a))
In Slovenia, there is no e xplicit provision stating that any laws, regulations or
administrative provisions contrary to the principle of equal treatment shall be ab olished.
The Protection Against Discrimination Act contains more general provisions, such that
state bodies, local auth orities and holders of public authority must adopt measures in
195 Advocate of the Principle of Equality (2020), Annual Report for 2019 (Redno letno poročilo za leto 2019),
pp. 247-253.
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