Implementation of central concepts
Author | Romina Bartolo |
Pages | 9-17 |
3 Implementation of central concepts
3.1 General (legal) context
3.1.1 Surveys on the definition, implementation and limit s of central concepts of gender
equality law
No surveys have been published on these issues.
3.1.2 Other issues
In 20 17, th e Ministry for European Affairs and Equality (MEAE) set u p th e Consultat ive
Council for Women’s Rights, which consists of representatives of women’s rights civil
society organisations, in order to serve as a platform for th e development of policy and
legislative proposals. In 2019, the MEAE established the Gender Mainstreaming Unit within
the Human Rights and Integration Directorate with the aim of developing and
implementing the first national strategy and action plan in relation to gend er equality
mainstreaming, and the introduction of corresponding legislation. A consultation document
was thus published2 with the purpos e of providing governmental entities, social p artners,
civil society organisations and the general public, the opportunity to provide specific
proposals to G overnment with regard to the development of the Gender Equality
Mainstreaming Strategy and Action Plan as well as the Gender Equality Mainstreaming Bill.
3.1.3 General overview of national acts
National acts include: Chapter 456 of the Laws of Malta - Equality for Men and Women Act
to promote equality between men and women; Chapter 452 of the Laws of Malta -
Employment and Industrial Relations Act to regulate employment and industrial relations;
the Constitution of Malta; Chapter 1 6 of the Laws of Malta - the Civil Code; Ch apter 581
of the Laws of Malta - Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence Act; Chapter 540 of
the Laws of Malta - Gender Id entity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act and
Chapter 318 of the Laws of Malta - Social Security Act.
3.1.4 Political and societal debate and pending legislative proposals
Pending legislative proposals include an equality bill, entitled:
‘Act to prohibit discrimination in various spheres of life, to promote equality and
prevent discrimination, inter alia, by giving effect to the relevant provisions of
2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal
treatment in employment and occupation, Council Directive 2002/73/EC of 23
principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment,
between men and women in the access to goods and services and their sup ply,
opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and
occupation (recast), and the Communication from the European Commission
(22.12.2011 C(2011) 9497) containing Guidelines on the application of Council
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