Initial jurisdiction of the high court and constitutional reform in Albania.

AuthorElsa Miha - Lirime Çukaj (Papa)
PositionProsecutor at Tirana District Prosecution - University of Tirana, Faculty of Law
Vol. 3 No. 2
September, 2017
Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2410-759X
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Initial jurisdiction of the high court and constitutional reform in Albania
Prosecutor at Tirana District Prosecution
Assoc. Prof. Lirime Çukaj (Papa)
University of Tirana, Faculty of Law
TheHighCourt oftheRepublic ofAlbaniaispart ofthejustice systemandaccording tothe
special entities such as the President of the Republic of Albania, the Prime Minister and the
Cabinet of the Government, members of Parliament, members of the Constitutional Court,
and members of the High Court.
provisions regulating the initial jurisdiction of the High Court were also changed These
specialentitiescitedabove butnotonlywouldbetriedby aspecialcourtsuchastheCourt
adoptedthespeciallaw 1 and at the same time, later, approximately 1 year later, changed the
establishmentofspecialstructures thatwouldadjudicatetheseentitieswasdelayedandstill
and non-exhaustive article.
Keywords: initial jurisdiction of the High Court, special subjects, the Court against Corruption
and Organized Crime, the Prosecution against Corruption and Organized Crime.
1. Initial Jurisdiction of the High Court under the Constitution of 1998
by the High Court of the special entities is provided for in the Constitution of the
RepublicofAlbaniaadoptedin, as a foundation act of the Albanian state.
Thusthechapteronjudicialpower3 Article 135 of the Constitution, stipulates that:
instance courts, which shall be established by law”, i.e. this Article provides that the High
Court is part of the judicial power, but it does not specify its initial jurisdiction.
Meanwhilethe chapterof theConstitutionArticles4 about the High Court, clearly
prescribe that the High Court enjoys initial jurisdiction.
1 Law no. 95/2016, On the Organization and Functioning of Institutions Combating Corruption and Organized
2 Adopted by Law no. 8417, dated 21.10.1998 of Parliament.
3 See Article 135 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania.
4 See Article 141 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania.

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