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The Institute for European Studies (IES) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, offers specialised master's degree courses, training sessions and online training. This is a prime example for the different types of training on offer in the area of EU affairs. Varied course formulas, ones that lead to certificates or are for career development, are designed to satisfy the ambitions of students but also of professionals who want to acquire specific knowledge.


In terms of training leading to certificates, the IES offers two complementary master's degree courses. Taught in English, these courses run for a year and are targeted at people that usually have a first master's degree. More specifically, the people targeted are those "who have a basic understanding of the European Union, hold a master's or have worked in the field of EU affairs," stresses Amelia Hadfield, one of the IES professors.

The master's programme in European and international law has been taught for thirty five years and has several specificities. "One of the main points that makes us different is that we have focused, from the beginning, on international and European law." Because generally, European law alone is taught and "that is no longer sufficient," says Professor Harri Kalimo. "We have to see the EU more widely and in a more global way."

The programme has a common core, which is followed by all students. It includes lessons on the main aspects of European and international law as well as on more specific points, such as European and international protection of human rights, the EU's external relations or European and international competition law.

As with most master's courses, the master's in European and international law also offers optional courses that allow students "to focus on public law, such as environmental law, criminal law, or if they are more business-oriented, to follow courses on competition and tax law," adds Kalimo. The aim is to "give them a bit of flexibility on the way in which they want to use this training". Finally, the students have to submit a thesis at the end of their studies on a subject of their choosing relating to EU affairs.

The European integration and development' master's is a pluridisciplinary training providing theoretical teaching on European policies, the EU's institutional system and the European economic integration process. Taught at the end of the day (between 18:00 and...

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