
European Inst itute for Gender Equalit y
5. Interviewing
5.1. Survey setup
Every EU Member State collected the data for the
survey through a CATI system and all versions of
CATI were eective. Table 5 shows the dierent
CATI sy stems used by each Member State.
Initial samples were obtained through two
channels: mobile phone numbers and landline
phone numbers. At times, only one of these
means was used to get a representative national
sample, e.g. in Lat via, Greece, Spain and the
United Kingdom.
The information was collected in May and
June 2015 and meets the stratication criteria
described above. The collected data allow for
segmentation by the suggested age groups:
18-39 years old, 40-64 and 65. The population
criterion is also met (at least 25 % live in rural
areas, with a maximum uctuation of 10 %), and
at least 35 % of respondents were employed
(see Table 36 in Annex 3).
It should be noted that the aected vari-
ables were re-encoded to create Table 36
(see Annex 3) and determine compliance
with stratication criteria. More specically,
Q4: Where do you live? had four types of
response: 1. The open countryside or a vil-
lage; 2. A small town; 3. A medium to large
town; and 4. A city or cit y suburb. Responses
were dichotomised to calculate the percent-
age of respondents living in rural vs urban
areas: category 1 (rural area) is made up by
subjects living in the open countryside, a vil-
lage or small town, while category 2 (urban
area) comprises those li ving in a medium
to large town or a city or cit y suburb. Like-
wise, Q5: Could you please tell me what is
your current employment status? had six
types of answer: 1. Student; 2. Housewife/
Stay-at-home husband/partner; 3. Retired
or pensioner; 4. Self-employed; 5. Employee;
and 6. Unemployed. Again, responses were
dichotomised to calculate the percentage of
employed respondents in the sample: cate-
gory 1 (employed) includes self- employed
and employee, while category 2 (unem-
ployed) includes the remaining respondents
and thus includes more than simply unem-
ployed people.
Tab le 5. CATI system used
Member State CATI syst em used Member State CATI syst em used
AT Quancept/Web CATI IT Simut
BG CATI system LT Norstat
HR CATI system LU TNS LLres
CY QPSMR CATI MT CATI system (Snap Professional)
CZ Dimensions NL Enalyzer
DK Catglobe system PL Dimensions
EE Turu-uuringuye AS CATI PT Marktab
DE Quancept and CONFIRMIT SI Web( CAT I)
HU Expert Call Manager SE NEBU
IE Dimensions UK Dimensions

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