
AuthorEuropean Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EU body or agency)
The Annual European Insurance Overview is published by EIOPA as an extension of its
statistical services in order to provide an easy-to-use and accessible overview of the Eu-
ropean (re)insurance sector. The report is based on annually reported Solvency II infor-
mation. This ensures that the data has ahigh coverage in all countries and is reported in
aconsistent manner across the EEA.
The report is objective, factual and data driven and does not contain analysis or policy
messages. All indicators used in the report are calculated from the reported data from
undertakings. While the topics and indicators covered is intended to be relatively stable
over time, the report will be adapted to respond to changes in micro prudential and
supervisory priorities. It will therefore support the supervisory community and industry
with highly relevant and easily-accessible data at European level. This report is based
on Annual reporting for 2019 and as such UK data are included in any EEA f‌igures. Only
countries with more than 3 undertakings will be displayed in charts with distributions.
The report is published with all charts data available for download in separate excel f‌iles.

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