
AuthorPetropoulos, Georgios; Marcus, J. Scott; Yeung, Timothy
Contributio n to Growth : European Digital Single Market: Deliverin g economic benefi ts to citizens and busin esses
PE 631.044 16
Numerous legislative measures have been initiated or enacted in support of the Commission’s Digital
Single Mar ket Strategy (European Commission, 2015a). This rep ort pr ovides a s tock-t aking of what has
been achieved in economic terms, of what remains to be done, and of opportunit ies for the coming
legislative term.
The study (IP/A/IMCO/IC/2018-012) has b ee n undertaken for Poli cy Dep artment A of the Europ ean
Parliament, on behalf of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO). Preliminary
results were presented at the IMCO Workshop on 10 July 2018.
1.1. Objectives
The study “C ontri buti on of the Inte rnal Market and Consum er Protec tion to Growth” (hereinafter
Alleweldt at al. (2014)) was prepared for the IMCO Committee in 2014. That study called for an
ambi tious revision of Europe an policy ob jective s in order to more full y realise the p otenti al of the
Inter nal Marke t as a growth e ngine and an anti -crisis mechanism. The current European Com mission
followed this path by means of a ne w set of st rate gies , inc ludin g the DSM Strate gy for Europe 2 and A
Singl e Mark et St rate gy.3
The IMCO Committee has requested a workshop and an update of the 2014 study. The update is
comprised of a series of in-depth analyses. This study, which focuses on the Digital Single Market, is
one component of that series.
The aims of the current update are (1) to p rovide background informati on and advice for the
Members of the IMCO Committee on benefits brought in the past and to be realised in the
foreseeable future for EU businesses and citizens by legislation established in the field of Internal
Market and Consumer Prote ction, and (2) to re flect on priority measures and actions that could be
undertak en in this fiel d going for ward.
1.2. Background
The Digit al S ingle Ma rket ( DSM) Strategy was intended to tackle a wide range of issues related to the
digitisation of European society. A key over-ar ching theme is the facilitation of cross-border electronic
commer ce wi thin the EU. The DSM sought to do this with a barrage of l egi slative measures, eac h
aimed at addressing one or more of the barriers to cross-border e-commerce that have been
identified by e-merchants or consumers (and evidenced in surveys).
The DSM Strategy is broadly in line with numerous initiatives undertaken by the Parliament
over the years. For the Parliament, the “… Digital Single Market is essentially about removing
national barriers to transactions that take place online. It builds on the concept of the
common market, intended to eliminate trade barriers between Member States with the aim of
increasing economic prosperity …
2 European Commission (2015a), Digital Single Market Strategy, COM(2015) 192 final.
3 European Commission (2015d), Single Market Strategy, COM(2015) 550 final.

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