
AuthorDiana González-Troncoso - Fernando González-Costas - Agurtzane Urtizberea - Ricardo Alpoim - Carmen Fernández - Thomas Brunel - José de Oliveira - Antonio Ávila - Alfonso Pérez - Panayiota Apostolaki - Santiago Cerviño - Esther Román - Dorleta García - Ane Iriondo - Eduardo Santos
EASME/EMFF/2016/008 Provision of Scientific Advice for fisheries beyond EU Waters
"Support to a robust model assessment, benchmark and development of a management strategy evaluation for cod in NAFO
Division 3M". Final Report.
The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has
commissioned the AZTI led consortium (AZTI, AGROCAMPUS, CEFAS, IEO, IPMA,
IMARES, IRD, MRAG) for the Framework Contract EASME/EMFF/2016/008 for the
“provision of scientific advice for fisheries beyond EU waters”. The present technical
report refers to the Specific Contract (SC) Nº 3 under this framework, “Support to a
robust model assessment, benchmark and development of a management strategy
evaluation for cod in NAFO Division 3M”.
Purpose of the specific contract
The purpose of this specific study is to provide the Directorate-General for Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) and the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
(NAFO) Scientific Council with technical and scientific analysis to:
Address the shortcomings of the current assessment m odel, identified by the
NAFO Working Group on Risk Based Management Strategies (WG-RBMS)
(NAFO FC/SC 15/02 ), the Scientific Council (SC) (NAF O SCS 15/12) and the
Fisheries Commission (FC) (NAFO/FC 15/23) in 2015.
Support the development of the 3M cod benchmark process within NAFO.
Develop and test the robustness of various Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) for
cod i n Div. 3M to a chieve the management objectives to be established by
the FC.
The scope of the study is the cod stock in Division 3M of NAFO.
Structure of the report
The structure of SC03 final report is as follows: First, the report presents the different
Tasks that were carried out to achieve each of the objectives established in the Project.
Then, the results of the Tasks for each of the objectives are presented in det ail. A final
point presents the milestones achieved, the problems faced and the possible 3M cod
MSE future work to solve the current problems. Annex A includes a Table summarizing
the meetings held during the Project and Annex B the list of deliverables of the Project
and the corresponding NAFO documents in which they were presented. The link for
the scientific documents produced by SC03 for each of the main Tasks are also

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