
The EU LGBTIII survey is alarge-scale web-adm inistered
survey of the experi ences and views of lesbian , gay,
bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals,
using an anonymou s online questionnaire. The sur vey
was conducted bet ween 27May and 2 2July 20 19 via
the platform ww and collected valid
responses from 139 799 participa nts from the Euro-
pean Union (EU) Member St ates, North Macedonia and
Serbia. The sur vey provides comparative ev idence on
how LGBTI people in the EU experience discrimination,
violence and harass ment in various areas of life, includ -
ing employment, education, healthcare, housing and
other services.
LGBTI people have been his torically subje ct to stigma
and discriminat ion. Even nowadays many peo ple feel
the need to conceal being LGBTI to avoid d iscrimination,
hate or even violence.
In 2012, the European U nion Agency for Fun damen-
tal Rights (FRA) la unched ala rge-scale online su rvey
in the EU and Croatia to colle ct data on LGBT peopl e’s
experiences of discrimination, violence and harassment
following areques t from the European Commissi on to
collect compara ble survey data across a ll EU Member
States and Croatia. Atota l of 93079 respondents pa r-
ticipated in the sur vey, providing an indication of t he
extent of the challe nges that LGBT people f ace across
the EU. More information o n the f‌irst wave of the survey
can be found onlin e (
The European Commissio n asked FRA to replicate the
collection of data o n LGBTI people and im plement the
second round of the LGBT(I)(1) survey in 2019.
(1) Intersex resp ondents were surveye d for the f‌irst time in the
2019 LGBTI survey.
The aims of the sur vey were (1) to obtain data that
would allow abetter under standing of how LGBTI peo-
ple experience the enjoyment of fundamental rights
and would provide pol icymakers and key stakeholders
with research evidence that coul d be used to assess
the implementa tion and impac t of law and policy an d
to address gaps in the protec tion of rights; (2) to detect
trends by identifyin g changes over time with res pect
to the results of the f‌irst LGBT s urvey (2012); (3) to fur-
ther develop research meth odologies for online sur vey
tools; (4) to deliver to stakeholder s, civil society and the
wider public research ev idence and data that could be
valuable in raisi ng awareness of fundam ental rights
and could contribute to pro moting LGBTI equalit y and
improving the situation on the ground.
The survey asked a range of questi ons about LGBTI
people’s experiences of the following issues:
a perceived increase or decrease in i ntolerance,
prejudice and violence against LGBTI people;
discriminatio n at work and when look ing for work
and in several other areas of li fe;
a safe environment;
physical or sexual victimisation;
the social context of be ing LGBTI;
background information (age, education, income,
civil status);
issues related to the lives of tra ns and intersex

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