Judgment of the Court of Justice Fourth Chamber, 28 September 2023, Ryanair v Commission, C-321/21 P

Date28 September 2023
Judgment of the Court of Justice (Fourth Chamber), 28 September 2023, Rya nair v
Commission, C-320/21 P
Link to the full text of the judgment
Appeal State aid Article 107(2)(b) TFEU Swedish air transport market Aid granted by the Kingdom of
Sweden to an airline amid the COVID-19 pandemic Temporary Framework for State aid measures
State guarantee o n a revolving credit facility Decision by the European Commission not to raise
objections Aid intended to make good the damage suffered by a single victim Principles of
proportionality and non-discrimination Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services
Judgment of the Court of Justice (Fourth Chamber), 28 September 2023, Ryanair v
Commission, C-321/21 P
Link to the full text of the judgment
Appeal State aid Article 107(2)(b) TFEU Danish air transport market Aid granted by the Kingdom of
Denmark to an airline amid the COVID-19 pandemic Temporary Framework for State aid measures
State guarantee o n a revolving credit facility Decision by the European Commission not to raise
objections Aid intended to make good the damage suffered by a single victim Principles of
proportionality and non-discrimination Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services
In April 2020 the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Sweden notified the European
Commission of two separate aid measures for SAS AB, each involving a guarantee on a revolving
credit facility of up to 1.5 billion Swedish kronor (SEK) (‘the measures at issue’). Those measures were
intended to compensate SAS in part for the damage resulting from the cancellation or rescheduling of
its flights after the imposition of travel restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The notification of the Swedish aid measure immediately followed the Commission’s approval, under
Article 107(3)(b) TFEU,
of a Swedish loan guarantee scheme to support certain airlines amid the
COVID-19 pandemic.
In that respect, Sweden had confirmed that SAS, which was experiencing
difficulties in obtaining loans from credit institutions under the Swedish loan guarantee scheme,
would benefit either from aid under that scheme or from the new notified guarantee, but not from
both measures at the same time.
By decisions of 15 April 2020
and of 24 April 2020,
the Commission classified the measures at
issue as State aid that was compatible with the internal market pursuant to Article 107(2)(b) TFEU. In
accordance with that provision, aid to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or
exceptional occurrences is compatible with the internal market.
Under that provision, aid to promote the execution of an important project of common European interest or to remed y a serious
disturbance in the economy of a Member State may be declared compatible with the internal market.
Decision C(2020) 2366 final on State aid SA.56812 (2020/N) Sweden COV ID-19: Loan guarantee scheme to airlines (OJ 2020 C 269, p. 1).
Commission Decision C(2020) 2416 fi nal of 15 April 2020 on State aid SA.56795 (2020/N) Denmark Compensation for the damage caused
by the COVID-19 outbreak to Scandinavian Airlines (OJ 2020 C 220, p. 7).
Commission Decision C(2020) 2784 final of 24 April 2020 on State aid SA.57061 (2020/N ) Sweden Compensation for the damage caused
by the COVID-19 outbreak to Scandinavian Airlines (OJ 2020 C 220, p. 9).

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