Judgment of the Court of Justice Fifth Chamber, 16 February 2023, Monz Handelsgesellschaft International, C-472/21

Date16 February 2023
The Court therefore holds that, by adopting the contested decision, for the purposes of ensuring
that Article 28 of the VAT Directive is implemented under unifo rm conditions throughout the
European Union, the Council did not exceed the implementing powers conferred on it by the VAT
Directive, pursuant to Article 291(2) TFEU.
Judgment of the Court of Justice (Fifth Chamber), 16 February 2023, Monz
Handelsgesellschaft International, C-472/21
Link to the full text of the judgment
Reference for a preliminary ruling Intellectual property Design Directive 98/71/EC Article 3(3) and
(4) Conditions for obtaining protection for a component part of a complex product Concepts of
‘visibility’ and ‘normal use’ – Visibility of a component part of a complex product during normal use of that
product by the end user
Monz, a company incorporated under German law, is the holder of the design representing the
underside of a bicycle or motorcycle saddle that has been registered since 2011 at the Deutsches
Patent- und Markenamt (German Patent and Trade Mark Office, Germany; ‘the DPMA’).
On 27 July 2016, Büchel, a company incorporated under German law, filed an application with the
DPMA for a declaration of invalidity of that design, claiming that it did not meet the requirements for
legal protection as a design.
In its view, that design applied to a bicycle saddle, which is a
component part of a complex product such as a bicycle or a motorcycle, was not visible during normal
use of that product.
The DPMA rejected the application for a declaration of invalidity, holding that there were no grounds
for excluding the design at issue from legal protection. It took the view that the component part to
which the design is applied remains visible during normal use of the complex product, since such
normal use covers also the disassembly and reassembly of the saddle for purposes other than
maintenance, servicing or repair work.
Hearing an action brought against that decision, the Bundespatentgericht (Federal Patent Court,
Germany) declared the design at issue invalid on the ground that it did not meet the requirements of
novelty and individual character. According to that court, a component part which is visible only when
it is separated from a complex product does not satisfy the condition of visibility and cannot therefore
benefit from that legal protection. That court is of the view, moreover, that only the acts of riding a
bicycle and getting on and off a bicycle can be considered to be normal use, and the underside of the
saddle is not visible during such use.
For the purposes of Paragraph 4 of the Gesetz über den rechtlichen Schutz von Design (Law on the legal protection of designs) of
24 February 2014 (BGBl. 2014 I, p. 122), transposing Directive 98/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 on
the legal protection of designs (OJ 1998 L 289, p. 28).

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