Judgment of the General Court Fourth Chamber, Extended Composition, 14 December 2022, PT Pelita Agung Agrindustri and PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo v Commission, T-143/20

Date14 December 2022
Lastly, the Court rejects the complaints alleging that the Commission erred in finding that there was a
threat of material injury to the Union industry, inasmuch as it concluded that there was a causal link
between the imports from Indonesia and the threat of m aterial injury to the Union industry, without
taking into account the impact of imports of biodiesel originating in Argentina.
In that regard, the Court recalls that, in accordance with Article 8(6) of the basic anti-subsidy
regulation, when examining a causal link between the injury caused to the Union industry and the
imports of the subsidised product, the Commission must disregard any injury resulting from other
factors and thus ascertain that the effects of those other factors are not capable of breaking the
causal link that it has established. However, in order for a causal link to exist, it is not necessary for
the imports of the subsidised product to be the sole cause of the injury caused to the Union industry,
since the Commission may attribute responsibility for injury to the subsidised imports even if their
effects are only part of wider injury attributable to other factors.
It is in the light of those considerations that the Court finds, first, that the persistence of a threat of
injury linked to imports of biodiesel from Argentina does not preclude the existence of another threat
of injury caused by imports of biodiesel from Indonesia. Second, since the imports from Argentina
had already been the subject of countervailing measures, they were not capable of breaking the
causal link between imports from Indonesia and the threat of injury to the Union industry. The Court
also holds that, despite those imports from Argentina, the threat of injury caused by imports from
Indonesia was significant and the causal link between those imports and the threat of injury to the
Union industry could be established.
In the light of the foregoing, the Court dismisses the action in its entirety.
Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber, Extended Composition), 14 December
2022, PT Pelita Agung Agrindustri and PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo v Commission, T-143/20
Link to the full text of the judgment
(Subsidies Imports of biodiesel originating in Indonesia Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2092
Definitive countervailing duty Article 8(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 Price undercutting
Price pressure Article 8(5) of Regulation 2016/1037 Causal link Article 3(1)(a)(iv) and (2) of Regulation
2016/1037 Action consisting in ‘entrusting’ or ‘directing’ a private body to carry out a function
constituting a financial contribution Less than adequate remuneration Income or price support
Article 3(2) and Article 6(d) of Regulation 2016/1037 Be nefit Article 3(1)(a)(i) and (2) of Regulation
2016/1037 Direct transfer of funds Article 7 of Regulation 2016/1037 Calculation of the amount of
the benefit Article 8(1) and (8) of Regulation 2016/1037 Threat of material injury Rights of the
At the end of an anti-subsidy investigation initiated in 2018, the European Commission adopted
Implementing Regulation 2019/2092 imposing a definitive countervailing duty on imports of biodiesel
originating in Indonesia
(‘the product under consideration’).
The Indonesian companies PT Pelita Agung Agrindustri and PT Permata Hijau Palm Oleo, which
produce biodiesel and export it to the European Union, brought an action for annulment of that
implementing regulation.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2092 of 28 November 2019 imposing a definitive countervailing duty on imports of
biodiesel originating in Indonesia (OJ 2019 L 317, p. 42).

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