Judgment of the General Court Eighth Chamber, Extended Composition of 14 September 2022, Methanol Holdings Trinidad v Commission, T-744/19

Date14 September 2022
Finally, the Court considers the Lithuanian practice at issue in the present case to be contrary to the
principle of fiscal neutrality in so far as it implies that purchasers of immovable property must bear
the burden of the input VAT, in particular as the Republic of Lithuania chose not to make use of the
option of setting up, for the situation here, a reverse charge mechanism intended precisely to counter
the risk of insolvency of the VAT debtor. Furthermore, such a practice is liable to restrict the circle of
potential purchasers and therefore runs counter to the objective pursued by the compulsory sale
procedure, namely the optimal realisation of the debtor’s assets in order to satisfy his or her credito rs
to the greatest possible extent. It also tends to isolate economic operators in financial difficulties and
to hamper their ability to carry out transactions, in breach of the principle of fiscal neutrality, as that
principle precludes distinctions between taxable persons on the basis of their financial situation.
Judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber, Extended Composition) of 14 September
2022, Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) v Commission, T-744/19
Link to the full text of the judgment
Dumping Imports of mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate originating in Russia, Trinidad and To bago
and the United States Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1688 Article 3(1) to (3) and (5) to (8) of
Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 Sales through relate d companies Construction of the export price Injury
to the Union industry Calculation of price undercutting Causal link Article 9(4) of Regulation
2016/1036 Calculation of the injury margin Injury elimination
Following a complaint, the European Commission adopted Implementing Regulation 2019/1688
imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate
originating in Russia, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States of America.
The applicant, Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Ltd, is a company established in Trinidad and Tobago
which produces and exports the product concerned to the European Union through a related
importer. It brought an action for annulment of the contested regulation.
In dismissing that action, the General Court confirms the possibility of using con structed export prices
for the purposes of calculating price undercutting. It also applies and clarifies the case-law relating to
the Commission’s obligation, when calculating the price undercutting margins of imports subject to
anti-dumping investigations, to make a fair price comparison at the same level of trade, in order to
assess the existence of injury suffered by the Union industry as a result of those imports.
Commission Implementing Reg ulation (EU) 2019/1688 of 8 October 2019 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting
the provisional duty imposed on i mports of mixtures of urea and ammonium ni trate originating in Russia, Trinidad and Tobago and the
United States of America (OJ 2019 L 258, p. 21; ‘the contested regulation’).

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