Key aspects of businesses in Kosovo

AuthorArdian Berisha - Qemajl Sejdija
PositionEuropean University of Tirana
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 1 No. 1
January 2017
ISSN 2519-1284
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Key aspects of businesses in Kosovo
PhD (C.) Ardian Berisha
European University of Tirana
PhD (C.) Qemajl Sejd a
European University of Tirana
By developing organizational activities for the businesses and taking managerial decisions
is realized under continuously pressure of a wide range of forces and factors of internal
and external environment, which have relatively big in uence in surviving and perspective
of development for their future. Small and medium enterprises are operating with limited
sources, in less secure environment, depending from di erent factors such as clients, suppliers,
lawmakers, banks, accountants, lawyers, property owners and many others.
Sector of small and medium enterprises has uncounted potential to contribute in economic
growth, creating new jobs and decrease of poverty. However, for small and medium enterprises
to give the desired e ects, entrepreneurs must be motivated to start legal businesses in order
for their enterprises can survive. Business environment is an important factor that helps
them survive. Unfavorable environment with high taxes, corruption and oppressiveness
bureaucracy, inhibits their success.
Keywords: SME, Business environment, Factors.
In the making of this paper national and international literature is reviewed, and
are analyzed central and local institutions in our country that can in uence the
improvement of environment for the development of small and medium enterprises.
In the frame of the establishment of favorable environment for economic development,
it is necessary the participation of central and local administration, chamber of
commerce, business centers and incubators, economic associations, entrepreneurs,
with the scope to analyze opportunities and restrictions of internal and external factors
in creating favorable environment for developing small and medium enterprises and
for the whole economy.
Theoretical aspects on businesses
The business concept is derived from the English word “Business”, which means the
work activities in order to get economic bene ts. Throughout history, small business
received modest a ention. Historians have made e orts to register their contribution
into the society, even the rst known writing appeared more than 4000 years. It
describes how bankers are borrowing money with interest. Since that time, people
of small business were backbone of renovators, of many economies that secures

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