Kosovo's history through artists

AuthorEmine Shkodra
Vol. 3 No. 2
July 2017
ISSN 2410-3918
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Kosovo’s history through artists
PhD Emine Shkodra
Kosovo is a new state. For more than 100 years a er Albania’s declaration of independence on
28 of November 1912, it remained outside its native ethnic lands. The tragic fate that followed
a er this date was imposed by the interests of Great Powers, Balkan political conjunctures, and
greedy neighbors, which made Kosovo to be part of the borders of an unstable organization,
arti cial and fabricated badly as it was Yugoslavia, initially under monarchical regime and later
under communist regime. Alone and isolated, under constant pressure of denationalization,
violence, humiliation, and violation of ethnic national rights by Serbian ruling clique, denying
its values in many elds, historical, anthropological, philological, civic, especially cultural and
artistic, denied and ignored without any premises and conditions for future development.
This is one of the reasons why today in our media, in our academic, university and wide
intellectual and popular layers, - values, traditions, and cultural heritage should be made
familiar and it is a duty for every specialist and art scholar, as there is a national and civic
aspect. In this regard, the valuable assistance comes from artistic creativity of many painters
in Albania, Europe and worldwide, who represent an important cultural and historical reality,
sustainable and bene cial, with tremendous impacts in national identity and the forming of
aesthetic and artistic awareness of generations.
The research by its nature has been linked in particular with visioning (seeing, visiting) of
various works in art galleries, private galleries, private collections and artists’ studios, in
archives and museums, in their original form, not book editions and duplications, which has
helped me to be clear in opinions about the works and their artistic values, especially colors,
light shades, painting pale e in general. While works of foreign authors that are outside
Albania and Kosovo, in most cases I have used catalogs and publications, as well as websites,
projections, etc.
Keywords: Kosovo, History, visual arts.
The pictorial opus that comes from prominent works in the visual arts that have
made Kosovo and its history its theme have been and still are ethnographic and
anthropologic values indelible identifying signs re ected in these works, as well as
the works of some eminent Albanian and foreign personalities of visual arts who
have brought through their works pieces the Albanian national spirit, - this object is
mostly focused on aesthetical side, analytical, but linked inextricably to the powers of
their synthesis which originate from the history of Albanian and Kosovo people, the
tragic and dramatic human experiences, lightening of the ethnological and heritage
values re ected through subjects and pictorial gures.
On the other hand, I must point it out that the “Kosovar topic”, if we were to name
it like this, was not present and has not been dealt by Albanian gurative artists for

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