Land registration

AuthorHristova, Nataliya
Consum er mar ket stud y on the fun ctio ning of the r eal estate servi ces for consum ers in the EU Coun try Fiche Bulgaria
4. Land regist ration
Ta ble 8 : La nd r e gist r a tio n
Responsi ble aut hori ty( ies) deal ing wit h lan d regi strati on
Registr y Ag ency Land r egist er
Actors inv olved in the r egist rat ion proced ure and thei r m ain
funct ions
Ma gistr at e k ee ping recor ds o f t ran sacti ons conc ern ing im mo vab le
pr ope rtyapp rove s th e registr ation of all acts subj ect to In sert ion in a Land
Regi ster - inclu ding acts r elated to t he tran sfer, auth enticat ion, modi ficat ion or
te rmi nat ion of t he righ t of imm ovabl e pr oper ty or to the co nsti tut ion of oth er r eal
ri ght s over im mov able prop erty and mortg ages.
No ta ry - i nit iates a pr ocedu re f or inser tio n in a Land register of all not ari al d eed
rel atin g t o the transf er, authen ticati on, modifi cation or t erm inati on of th e ri ght of
im movable p ropert y o r t o the const itu tion of ot her rea l rig hts over imm ovabl e
pr opert y, in cluding mo rtg ages, pe rfor med by him /h er, as we ll al l con tracts wit h
auth orized sign atu res subj ect to ent ry in a Land Regist er, inclu ding ren t
con tra cts.
Con tr act ors an d a ll o th ers p artie s who have an in terest in ca rry ing out t he
pr ocedu re t o i nsert in a Land regi ster all acts-sub ject of regi strati on.
Int erm ediat e st eps o f the regi strati on p rocedur e, i f appli cable
Not rel evan t
Accor ding to Ar t. 4 of Rules of Lan d r egist er p roced ure, only the exhaust ivel y li sted acts and docum ent s are su bject to be insert ed i n a Land r egist er. These
are a cts in not arial form or wit h not ary cert ifi cation of signatu res, as w ell as acts issue d by stat e bod ies.

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