Leading, management and administration as a comprehensive process

AuthorAlbana Tahiri - Kledi Shegani
Vol. 4 No. 1
January, 2020
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Leading, management and administration as a comprehensive process
Dr. Albana Tahiri
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kledi Shegani
The purpose of this research is to provide a complete picture of how important is the
performance of school directors in Albania, with reference to the "Performance standards and
evaluation criteria for school directors Guidelines".1
The purpose of this document is to be used as a reference for school directors. The performance
evaluation for all school directors should be in compliance with these standards. Also, this
document links closely school director’s performance evaluation with student’s achievements
and the quality of the educational process.
This study is based on a methodology that includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
The quantitative aspect is covering a large number of teachers and school directors in several
city/village schools in Tirana, through surveys and questionnaires, in around 100 Tirana
district schools with a sample of about one thousand teachers and seventy directors.
The comparison method used for the collection and interpretation of results serves to
understand that the Albanian school system, despite the changes and reforms undertaken in
recent years, again faces a poor quality of school management at di erent levels of education.
Referring to previous research in this area, our subject ma er has been both compulsory and
upper secondary management, starting with performance appraisal, curriculum programs,
management skills, leadership and professional skills of teaching and to the interpretation of
Keywords: leading, management, school, teachers, directors, legislation.
In Albania, a er the years 1990-2018 there has been a signif‌i cant change in high
school education leadership that has impacted a substantial part of the teaching and
learning process and methodology. These changes have been powerful innovations
that have provided a new prospective to the learning-teaching process in both the
curricular content plan and in the process of managing and administering the school.
Recognizing the school's problems related to increasing the quality of its learning,
as well as improving school’s management and leadership, understanding, thinking,
judging on this area of study, we think that school leadership and management is one
of the key areas through which we can change the quality of teaching and learning
process for students at school. We understand that this will require new parameters
and standards.
For this purpose, di erent e orts have been made in the Albanian school practice and
numerous reforms have been undertaken to improve the quality of learning process
at di erent levels of education.
1 Normative Provisions Chapter XI from Articles 54 to 65. Chapter IX of the Law on Pre-University
Education Article 54.n 55.
European Journal of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
IIPCCL Publishing, Graz-Austria
Vol. 4 No. 1
January, 2020
ISSN 2519-1284
Acces online at www.iipccl.org
Leadership has an important and irreplaceable role in the school to increase the
e ectiveness of teaching-learning process, regardless of the continuous change that is
necessary to occur in this process. Accurate identif‌i cation of leading and management
issues of the educational institution leads us to the perfection the system, both in the
external and internal evaluation of the school.
O en we face of the expression, "Leadership def‌i nes the school level”. Indeed, the
leader, and not only, should handle the school as a family, which has def‌i ned functions
and tasks and their realization becomes complete when the climate in the school is
The leader should compromise of what he should be in the context of today’s world.
Everyone can become a leader2. In order to create and perceive a more accurate
def‌i nition on the leader (leadership) we need to consider leaders' (leadership)
theories and styles highlighting the di erences between leaders and managers.
The di erence between leadership and managers was clearly def‌i ned by Abraham
Zaleznik Leaders3. He notes that leaders are visionaries inspiring people and dealing
with content, while managers are planners and deal with the process. The di erences
between leader and manager are further explained by Warren Bennis (1989).
Leadership def‌i nes school performance success, and depends also from the director ’s
assessment and standards. The director promotes students to be successful, facilitating,
developing, communicating, implementing and evaluating a common vision for the educational
process that provides systematic improvement of student achievements and for the school
itself. He guides the development and fulf‌i llment of the vision for improving school education,
monitors and evaluates programs that enhance the quality of the educational process and
works with sta to increase school outcomes. 4
Naturally we ask the following questions: What is Leadership? Is it a process or
an a ribute? How many parties are involved? Who implements it? Whom it is
implemented upon? What is the main purpose?
Leadership is a process through which a person inf‌l uences others to achieve an
objective and leads the organization in such a way that it becomes more coherent
adapting to the human dynamics5.
Leadership is art. The following example makes it clear that leadership is the art that
leads all members of the group to consider themselves members of the team. "My
leader told me that teamwork depends on the performance of each team member. For
me it was di cult to understand, until my manager told me how the o ce writing
machine worked when one of the keystrokes came out of function. All other keys
worked very well, but only one damaged caused the whole machine to go out of
operation. Now I understand that even though I'm a single person, I am needed to
the team in order for it to work properly."6
2 With the leader we will understand not only the righteous leader, but also the leader of a group,
organization or institution.
3 A. Zaleznik, "Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?", 1977.
4 Gardner, Leading Minds, An Anatomy of Leadership, (2000). fq13 Leadership Handbook, LGP
/ UNPD, 2004
5 Fullani. M "The New Meaning of Change in Education" 3rd Edition; Edualba 2001 pg. 261.
6 Albanian Customs Service Training Management Training (I-Introduction to Management).

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