List of acronyms

AuthorEisele, Katharina
Part III: The External Di mension of the EU Return Dire ctive
List of acronyms
ACP Afr ican, Ca ribbe an an d Pacific Cou ntr ies
CAMM Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility
CAT United Nations Convention Against Torture
CSDP Common Secur ity and Defence Policy
CFR EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
CIS Com monwealth of Independ ent States
DPD Direct ive 95/46/EC o f the Eu ropean Par liament an d of the Cou ncil of 24 October
1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
on the free m ovement o f such data
CJEU Court of Justice of the European Union
EAM European Agenda on Migration
EBCG European Border and Coast Guard Agency/ Frontex
ECA European Court of Auditors
ECHR European Convention on Human Rights
ECRE Europea n Council on Refugees a nd Exiles
ECtHR European Court of Human Rights
EDF Eur opean Development Fund
EDPS European Data Protection Supervisor
EEAS Eu ropean Extern al Action Service
ENP European Neighbourhood Partnership
ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument
EoL Exchange of L etters
EURA Euro pean Union Readmission Agreement
EUT F EU Trust Fund
EUTF f or Af rica EU Emergency Tr ust Fund for stability and a ddressing the root causes of irreg ular
migr ation and d isplace d pers ons in Afr ica
FRA EU Fundamental Rights Agency
FRD Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 Septem ber 2003 on the right to family
reun ificatio n
FRT Facility for Refugees in Tur key
GAM Global Approach to Migration

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